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I need action url and notes url to open in a new tab. In the code I can't find the file where to change it.

My users want to open it like this.

Thanks for the help

Version Centreon 22.10.4

Hi @joviado

On which page do you want this behaviour to happen ? Legacy monitoring pages or Resource Status.

On both cases it is still possible to use the middle click of your mouse to open the link in a new tab.



@Adrien Morais-Mestre on legacy monitoring pages the link opens in a new tab by default. But not on the Resource Status page. The behavior of the legacy page is far more pertinent (once again…).

Yes, using the middle-click (or the menu on right-click) to open it in a new tab is a possibility, but the behavior on the Resource Status page should still be changed in my opinion.

Hi @Stéphane 

I’ll see with our Product Managers. For the record, it is not possible to change files on Resource Status page as front-end files are minified. Furthermore it would require to recompile which is a hard work for something that as a workaround for now.

This new Resource Status page definitively is a nightmare. It should have been marked as beta instead of marking the current Monitoring pages as deprecated. IMHO.

We’re in the process of migrating from 20.04 to 22.10, I think all our users will want to continue to use the « old » pages. It’s sad the bugs on this pages aren’t being fixed (like the filter on host which is lost every time you’re back on the page, or the filters which doesn’t work if using % followed by two chars in the set s0-9a-f]).

The new Resource Status page has good ideas but it also has too many issues.

We are working hard on this page so that you guys can forget about those old pages. For the record, legacy pages won’t be removed until we reach a certain degree of satisfaction for Resource Status. We’re aware that this page misses several features and improvements we are working on it. Although could you be more precise about the “nightmare” ?

What are the bugs you’ve run into on Resource Status ?

What are missing features ?




I’ve already explain a lot of the issues I encountered with this new page in some other posts.

 - Unusable on my old 1440X900 monitor
 - Our average user doesn’t know about regex
 - This is quicker to use ad-hoc inputs like host, service or output than having to write a « CQL » request
 - The recently mentioned in another post fact that links open in the same tab instead of a new tab (which can’t be fixed because of minification!)
 - The bug with this CQL feature I mentioned in another post
 - Missing of the ability to get service details with a simple mouse-over on service
 - Missing of the ability to access host details directly clicking on the host (ie: parent resource in the Resource Status page), one have to click on the service, then click on the host in the service details. Where previously one can access the information with a simple mouse-over it now requires two mouse clicks to get it. If I click in the parent (ie: host) column it doesn’t get me to host details but to service details, the same that if I’d clicked on the service in the “resource” column.

>you guys can forget about those old pages

This is sad, really.

The Resource Status page clearly is missing a lot of features, I repeat myself here, but this new, unfinished page should have been marked as beta, and not the « old », working, which users are used to, pages marked as deprecated. That’s total non-sens.

>legacy pages won’t be removed until we reach a certain degree of satisfaction for Resource Status

But you stopped fixing the bugs in legacy pages. Furthermore, new bugs are introduced in those pages with new versions, like the fact that page numbers were missing (this one has been fixed in the last versions). It’s like you’re not testing the old pages anymore.

Understand “nightmare” as a drop in the overall product quality/usability.


>There's another thing I don't understand, a search like "status:critical information:lost >urfuihrutizihjtuizertyhfuyftzyurf dfgdggdfgdgdf" returns the same results as "status:critical >information:lost" while "urfuihrutizihjtuizertyhfuyftzyurf dfgdggdfgdgdf" returns no results. is it a bug?

  • >it is indeed a bug.

    I’m starting to be tired to have to explain again every issue the new Resource Status page has.

    Please consider reverting to « old » pages by default and propose the new Resource Status page for what it is: a feature preview. I know you won’t do that, but at least, continue to test the old pages when releasing a new version, and fix bug they have.

    New users/clients won’t probably feel the same, as they aren’t used to the old pages, but I assure you that people who use Centreon for years are disappointed, to say the least.​

Hi @joviado

On which page do you want this behaviour to happen ? Legacy monitoring pages or Resource Status.

On both cases it is still possible to use the middle click of your mouse to open the link in a new tab.



The problem is in Resources Status, using the right button makes it difficult and they ask me to change it. Also in the Timeline of the drop-left when selecting a service, the time should appear with seconds.

We tried not to use legacy monitoring, but people got used to using it that way.

Hi @Stéphane 

I’ll see with our Product Managers. For the record, it is not possible to change files on Resource Status page as front-end files are minified. Furthermore it would require to recompile which is a hard work for something that as a workaround for now.

Remedio provisional:

In /usr/share/centreon/www/static search in files js

search React.createElement("a",{href:t,onClick 

insert target:'_blank’  after href:t


en centreon 22.10.4 el fichero lo he encontrado en 4906.874683ff.chunk.js

Borrar la cache


Hi @Stéphane 

I’ll see with our Product Managers. For the record, it is not possible to change files on Resource Status page as front-end files are minified. Furthermore it would require to recompile which is a hard work for something that as a workaround for now.

Remedio provisional:

In /usr/share/centreon/www/static search in files js

search React.createElement("a",{href:t,onClick 

insert target:'_blank’  after href:t


en centreon 22.10.4 el fichero lo he encontrado en 4906.874683ff.chunk.js

Borrar la cache

How do i reset the centreon cache?


su - apache -s /bin/bash -c "/usr/share/centreon/bin/console cache:clear"

And clear cache navigator
