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J’essai d’effectué une requête SQL avec le plugin sql-statement PostgreSQL mais à chaque execution j’ai une erreur que je n’ai pas via l’editeur PostgreSQL.


Voila la requete: --plugin=database::postgres::plugin --host= 
--username='username' --password='password' --port='4432'  
--mode='sql' --sql-statement='select case when "Status" = 7 then 1 else 0 end as Execution FROM public."ExecutionResults" where "TaskID" = '75c49284-8b61-442c-bec5-7567027602f2'  order by "StartTime" DESC limit' 
--warning='' --critical=''

Voici l’erreur que me remonte la requete:

UNKNOWN: Cannot execute query: ERREUR:  erreur de syntaxe sur ou pr▒s de ▒ c49284 ▒
LIGNE 1 : ...FROM public."ExecutionResults" where "TaskID" = 75c49284-8b6…

POuvez vous m’aider sur cette erreur car je ne trouve pas.





Could you try with:

./ --plugin=database::postgres::plugin --host= 
--username='username' --password='password' --port='4432'  
--mode='sql' --sql-statement=”select case when Status = ‘7’ then 1 else 0 end as Execution FROM public.’ExecutionResults’ where TaskID = ‘75c49284-8b61-442c-bec5-7567027602f2'  order by ‘StartTime’ DESC limit”


Does the query correctly run directly in the psql prompt?



hanks for your help 
The query that works on PGAdmin is this one 
select case when "Status" = 7 then 1 else 0 end as Execution FROM public. "ExecutionResults" where "TaskID" = '75c49284-8b61-442c-bec5-7567027602f2' order by "StartTime" DESC limit 1

When I pass this request to Centreon I get the following error:

NKNOWN: Cannot execute query: ERROR: syntax error on or near ▒s of ▒ c49284 ▒
ROW 1: ...FROM public. "ExecutionResults" where "TaskID" = 75c49284-8b6...

