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AS400 check with central and poller servers

Dear community users,

I have a central and a poller server, and try to do checks on my AS400. Everything seems to be correctly installed, according to the following :

Running the command line on the central server, the requests are OK, but not from the poller server (cannot connect to localhost). This means that all the packages and services are installed and working on the central server.

I tried to use either the central or the poller server by changing the "supervisor server", but none of them worked in the GUI.

Can somebody help me please ?



11 replies

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OK, solved the “cannot connect to localhost” issue by adding the following extra option : --connector-hostname='central'. Now both the central and poller servers can poll my AS400.

Now, there’s no output of the polling ? How does that connecter work ? How to configure the visual output in order to have metrics to display ?



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hi @JeanBruder have you tried others modes ? ex Disks, Jobs, Page-Faults … no output for all ?

Badge +2

@ArdoGhetto After many tests, I found how to use the plugin, and I can now poll my AS400 ...

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All the tests made are now working fine, except the following : Message Queue.

When using the CLI from my poller, the output is OK : /usr/lib/centreon/plugins// --plugin=os::as400::connector::plugin --mode=message-queue --connector-hostname='localhost' --connector-port='8091' --connector-proto='http' --as400-hostname=HOST --as400-username='USER' --as400-password='PASSWORD' --connector-hostname='CENTRAL' --message-queue-path='/QSYS.LIB/QSYSOPR.MSGQ' --memory --filter-message-id='' --min-severity='' --max-severity='' --warning-messages='' --critical-messages='' 

But from the GUI, with the EXTRAOPTIONS = “--connector-hostname='CENTRAL' --message-queue-path='/QSYS.LIB/QSYSOPR.MSGQ' --memory” the following error appears : “UNKNOWN: Need to specify --message-queue-path option.” But the parameter “message-queue-path” is set in the EXTRAOPTIONS ?!

Can somebody help, or is that a bug ?



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on service details web page , you can find the executed command with all your args to compare with your working CLI command

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@ArdoGhetto Of course, and the issue appears on it : the “message-queue-path” argument appears twice : once with the arguments I set, and a second time with an empty value…


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can you check the command definition associated with the service template ?

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can you check the command definition associated with the service template ?

Could You please explain how to do that ?

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to find the associated command name :

and after you can go in Commands > Controls to find it :


Userlevel 5
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Hi @JeanBruder

Please remember to click the “Best Answer” button for the solution that helped you resolve your issue.
Alternatively, you can share with us how you were able to solve the problem.

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Thank you,

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Hi @JeanBruder

Please remember to click the “Best Answer” button for the solution that helped you resolve your issue.
Alternatively, you can share with us how you were able to solve the problem.

By doing so, you'll help someone else with the same issue in easily finding the solution.

Thank you,

Hi @Fabrix ,

That answer didn’t help. Lack of time so I will postpone the configuration. Closing the issue, not solved.
