Did you try a threshold without unit behind?
By default, the unit is bytes, so no need to put it in the threshold
Hi vcoum, I didn’t try. Now i don’t get the error, so it’s better, but i don’t think the unit is right. I should have a warning instead a critical :
centreon_aws_rds_api.pl --plugin=cloud::aws::rds::plugin --mode=storage --custommode='awscli' --aws-secret-key='xxx' --aws-access-key='xxx' --aws-role-arn='' --region='eu-west-3' --type='instance' --name='rds-ew3-aza-pr' --proxyurl='' --zeroed --filter-metric='' --statistic='average' --timeframe='600' --period='60' --warning-memory-free='50000000000' --critical-memory-free='20000000000' --warning-storage-space-free='' --critical-storage-space-free='' --warning-storage-space-usage-prct='' --critical-storage-space-usage-prct='' --verbose
OUTPUT: CRITICAL: 'rds-ew3-aza-pr' statistic 'average' metrics memory free: 44.00 GB | 'rds-ew3-aza-pr~average#storage.space.free.bytes'=102365014425.60B;;;; 'rds-ew3-aza-pr~average#memory.free.bytes'=47248997990.40B;0:50000000000;0:20000000000;; AWS RDS 'rds-ew3-aza-pr' statistic 'average' metrics storage space free: 95.33 GB, memory free: 44.00 GB
No i think you got the right output
It seems Critical status overidde warning status, i got the same with another plugins, Linux SNMP
I see, the alarm is triggered when the value exceed the threshold but it should be triggered when it goes under it (mem free, not mem used…
But thank you for your help :)
--warning-memory-free='40000000000' --critical-memory-free='50000000000' --warning-storage-space-free='' --critical-storage-space-free='' --warning-storage-space-usage-prct='' --critical-storage-space-usage-prct='' --verbose WARNING: 'rds-ew3-aza-pr' statistic 'average' metrics memory free: 44.00 GB | 'rds-ew3-aza-pr~average#storage.space.free.bytes'=102364383641.60B;;;; 'rds-ew3-aza-pr~average#memory.free.bytes'=47246496972.80B;0:40000000000;0:50000000000;; AWS RDS 'rds-ew3-aza-pr' statistic 'average' metrics storage space free: 95.33 GB, memory free: 44.00 GB
You can add a “:” after your threshold, so if the memory free leave the range, it will trigger the alert
Example, if you set 20000000000: instead of 20000000000 as critical threshold, when the mem free is not higher than 20000000000, it will trigger the critical alert
Thank you very mutch, all is fine now !
“:” triggers the alarm under the threshold.
Kind regards,