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We are encountering an issue with the plugin when checking the status of an Amazon RDS MySQL database. The state is not being displayed correctly.


/usr/lib/centreon/plugins// --plugin=cloud::aws::rds::plugin --mode=instance-status --custommode='paws' --aws-secret-key='' --aws-access-key='' --aws-role-arn='' --proxyurl='' --region='eu-central-1' --filter-instanceid='^awsp-rdsmysql-xxx-core-db$' --zeroed --verbose  --warning-status='%{state} =~ /maintenance|modifying|renaming|upgrading|stopping/' --critical-status='%{state} =~ /stopped|failed|storage-full|rebooting|deleting|restore-error/'

Use of uninitialized value in sprintf at /usr/lib/centreon/plugins// line 12131.
Redundant argument in sprintf at /usr/lib/centreon/plugins// line 12131.
OK: Total instances available : 1, failed : 0, backing-up : 0, maintenance : 0, stopped : 0, storage-full : 0 - Instance 'awsp-rdsmysql-xxx-core-db' state :  | 'total_available'=1;;;0; 'total_failed'=0;;;0; 'total_backing_up'=0;;;0; 'total_maintenance'=0;;;0; 'total_stopped'=0;;;0; 'total_storage_full'=0;;;0;
Instance 'awsp-rdsmysql-xxx-core-db' state :


If you noticed, while the state is not being printed, using %{state} to set the thresholds is working correctly.


Could you please assist us in resolving this problem?

Thank you.

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