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Lost Graph History After Centreon Upgrade - Retention Issues

  • 3 July 2024
  • 2 replies

Hello everyone,

Since the upgrade of Centreon, I have lost the history of my graphs. Before the update, I had set the retention values to 365 days in "Performance Data Management". However, today, I only have 6 months of history on all my graphs.

The main issue is that I can't modify the retention on my existing graphs and every day, I am losing data older than 6 months.

Has anyone encountered this problem before? How can I recover my full history and ensure that my data is retained for 365 days as originally configured?

Thank you in advance for your help.

Hello ryak,

Retention period should not have been impacted by update, and we’ve not heard of such behavior.

Have you checked this doc?



Thank you for your reply.

I’ve check this documentation and the value never change since the centreon installation


Do you know if i could expand the graph retention without remove the actual data ?
