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Hello, Has anyone found a solution to manage Unifi switches from Ubiquity? On my side I get the error:

UNKNOWN: SNMP Table Request: Cant get a single value.


I only have Ping and Uptime working.Oddly, my USG-Pro4 and my Wifi hotspot work fine. For the USG, you just have to remove the Access-point and SWAP control.CPU, Memory and Load are ok.


According to the documentation, your plugins could be outdated.

Or not the good plugins.

Maybe you could update your Plugin Packs and the Centreon Plugins ?


Hello,I have the latest version of the plugin pack = V 22.05.0Unless the Switches are not managed by the plugin?


Plugin Pack are not the plugins.

Plugin Pack are Service template, Host template, Discovery rules about a device/application/..

Maybe you could update the centreon-plugins by the yum command on all your pollers. Or if you have the last release of Centreon (22.04) use the deployment of the plugins by the interface of the page Plugin Packs




My version is up to date. I'm running Centeon 22.04. I realize that I encounter this error on other devices monitored by Centreon. So I don't really know where to look.


Could you show all the command who don’t work ?

And execute it in CommandLIne on your Poller ?



Yes of course. On the attached picture you will find the different controls which are unknown. Do I have to run specific command lines?


If you select the ressource, you could see at the bottom of the panel the command who is used to realize the check.

To troubleshoot your issue, you must run the command with the account centreon-engine by SSH on your poller server (maybe your Central Server or a Remote Poller Server it depends of your architecture)

You could follow this documentations links : 

Older documentation could help you :

Documentation about centreon-plugins also :





Thanks for the documentations, however, it doesn't really help me because the documentation just mentions a problem with the hardware which would not be compatible. I find that strange.

Has anyone managed to manage Unifi Gen 1 switches?


UNKNOWN: SNMP GET Request : Can't get a single value

SNMP Plugins request one or several OIDs from the target devices' MIBS. When it doesn't obtain a value for one of these OIDs, it returns an UNKNOWN state to warn the user.

Frequently, the device doesn't ship the MIB or one of the OIDs the Plugin utilizes. In other words, the Plugin used is not suitable for this device.

Another example, for my wifi terminal, it takes all the control from me except the CPU. Same error... I'm dry.



Is SNMP service running on the device where all the services are UNKNOWN? Is your community set up to be able to get/read all the information? (cpu, memory, swap...)

You can run the following command to check if something about CPU is returned from your device:

snmpwalk -v 2c -c your_community device_ip .

If not then maybe it means that the OIDs used by the plugins are not the one used by your device. In the unifi plugin we use CPU standard OIDs.




Thanks for your help. Indeed the command gives me the information that the command does not work if I understand correctly.

UCD-SNMP-MIB::systemStats = No Such Object available on this agent at this OID


You are not the only person we encounter this problem Issues · centreon/centreon-plugins · GitHub

It’s indicated with this issue Supervise Unifi equipment · Issue #3498 · centreon/centreon-plugins · GitHub Ubiquiti use Linux Standard MIB, but in fact not for all indicators.

As asked in Issue you need to contact Ubiquiti support in order to obtain information and give to Centreon to modify the centreon-plugins you used to have the CPU (CPU-Detailed) and others if it’s necessary.

