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Hello @pooja,

Do you have any errors in the following log files ?

  • /var/log/centreon/eventReportBuilder.log
  • /var/log/centreon/dashboardBuilder.log



Hi @itoussies





Maybe the related tables are empty… What is the result of the following SQL command (to do in the central server) :

FROM centreon_storage.hoststateevents
WHERE host_id in (
SELECT host_id
WHERE host_name='Centreon_Master'




Hi Team,


Anything on this?? as my graph is still undetermined. :(

Hello @pooja ,

Could give us the timezone of your server and the timezone configure for php ?

You can send us the output of the following command:

grep -Riri date.timezone /etc/

ça signifie quoi la partie indéterminée dans un tableau de bord?


@chaimae C’est quand il n’y a aucunes données sur le statut d’un host/service.

par exemple, tu sélectionne un host que tu viens d’ajouter sur Centreon puis tu sélectionne la période “les 6 dernier mois”. Vu que ton host n’existait pas il y a quelques mois, aucunes données du statut du host existe. le statut est donc considéré indéterminée.

@Kriko please find the timezone of my server and timezone configured for php as asked 


Which version of Centreon are you ?

@Kriko it is Centreon version 21.04.9

Maybe the related tables are empty… What is the result of the following SQL command (to do in the central server) :

FROM centreon_storage.hoststateevents
WHERE host_id in (
SELECT host_id
WHERE host_name='Centreon_Master'


Hello, I have the same problem and apparently I don't have data when I run that query in SQL, does the same thing happen to anyone? How can I solve this problem, thank you very much!


@sylarion is this a new setup? could be the reason for the lack of data.

@sylarion is this a new setup? could be the reason for the lack of data.

Good morning! Happy 2023! It's not a new configuration, I'm in Argentina, Buenos Aires, what would be wrong with my configuration? Because I followed the instructions from the official Centreon page.

@sylarion how about


SELECT *  FROM centreon_storage.hoststateevents  
WHERE host_id in (
SELECT host_id

also, have you checked your cron jobs?


@sylarion how about


SELECT *  FROM centreon_storage.hoststateevents  
WHERE host_id in (
SELECT host_id

also, have you checked your cron jobs?



MariaDB D(none)]> SELECT *  FROM centreon_storage.hoststateevents
    -> WHERE host_id in (
    ->                    SELECT host_id
    ->                    FROM
    ->               )
    -> LIMIT 10;
| hoststateevent_id | end_time   | host_id | start_time | state | last_update | in_downtime | ack_time | in_ack |
|                75 | 1673319600 |      87 | 1673273926 |     0 |           1 |           0 |     NULL |      0 |
|                76 | 1673319600 |      88 | 1673277780 |     0 |           1 |           0 |     NULL |      0 |
2 rows in set (0.005 sec)





cat /etc/cron

*root@Argentina~]# cat /etc/cron
cron.d/       cron.daily/   cron.deny     cron.hourly/  cron.monthly/ crontab       cron.weekly/
croot@Argentina~]# cat /etc/cron
cron.d/       cron.daily/   cron.deny     cron.hourly/  cron.monthly/ crontab       cron.weekly/
croot@Argentina~]# cat /etc/cron.d
cron.d/     cron.daily/ cron.deny
oroot@Argentina~]# cat /etc/cron.d
cron.d/     cron.daily/ cron.deny
rroot@Argentina~]# cat /etc/cron.d/cent
centreon     centstorage
oroot@Argentina~]# cat /etc/cron.d/cent
centreon     centstorage
eroot@Argentina~]# cat /etc/cron.d/cent
centreon     centstorage
root@Argentina~]# cat /etc/cron.d/centreon
# ########################################
# Cron Configuration for Centreon

# rewrite file with new cron line

# Cron for CentACL
* * * * * apache /usr/bin/php -q /usr/local/centreon/cron/centAcl.php >> /usr/local/centreon/log/centAcl.log 2>&1

# Cron for Centreon-Downtime
*/5 * * * * apache /usr/bin/php -q /usr/local/centreon/cron/downtimeManager.php >> /usr/local/centreon/log/downtimeManager.log 2>&1

# Cron to build state events
0 3 * * * centreon /usr/local/centreon/cron/eventReportBuilder --config=/etc/centreon/ >> /usr/local/centreon/log/eventReportBuilder.log 2>&1

# Cron to build reporting
0 6 * * * centreon /usr/local/centreon/cron/dashboardBuilder --config=/etc/centreon/ >> /usr/local/centreon/log/dashboardBuilder.log 2>&1




Any solution for this problem, i had the same problem?



For me the cause was that the file /etc/centreon/ was empty (probably after an update) and I just replaced the content with the content of the file /etc/centreon/


Since the report generation stopped few months ago, I launched a full rebuild with the command

/usr/share/centreon/cron/eventReportBuilder --config=/etc/centreon/ -r


hi folks! i have the some problem, my dashboard for host shows undetermined values or no values at all.
I have a contribution, i create a MV with license token for 100 hosts.
I can see that when installing Centreon MBI now the reporting part appears all ok. I have another system that does not contain any license and it does not create reporting.

I need a token for my dashboard for host does not shows undetermined values???
Thanks folks.

