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Le plugin pack concerné est  netapp ontap SNMP :

La sonde snapshot-global du plugin pack netapp ontap snmp ne remontent pas les informations en fonction de la version du netapp  , nous avons 2 versions differentes actuellement en production :

  • NetApp Release 8.2.5P5 7-Mode : la sonde retourne bien les informations.
  • Version 9.9.1P15 : UNKNOWN: SNMP Table Request: Cant get a single value.

le paramétrage snmp est bon , test sur plusieurs netapp en 9.9.1 idem et plugin à jour.

J'ai trouvé cette doc :

Il s’agirait a priori de mib différentes sur les nouvelles version.


J’ai déja fait un ticket au support  avec comme finalité : “ A noter, si suite à une mise à jour constructeur ceux-ci ont changé dans de nouvelles versions, il sera malheureusement impératif de passer par la rubrique IDEA du portail afin de demander cette évolution.”


d’où mon post.



Good morning,

The plugin pack concerned is netapp ontap SNMP:

The snapshot-global probe of the netapp ontap snmp pack plugin does not report information based on the netapp version.


We have 2 different versions currently in production:

NetApp Release 8.2.5P5 7-Mode: the probe returns the information correctly.

Version 9.9.1P15: UNKNOWN: SNMP Table Request: Cant get a single value.


the snmp configuration is good, test on several netapps in 9.9.1 idem and plugin is up to date.


I found this doc:

A priori it would be different mibs on the new versions.


I have already made a support ticket with the aim: “Please note, if following a manufacturer update these have changed in new versions, it will unfortunately be imperative to go through the IDEA section of the portal https:/ / to request this development.”


hence my post.



NewDiscussion ongoing

Hello :)

Thank you for your feedback and your proposal. This idea will be submitted to community votes to allow us to measure its popularity, which may impact its priority in our delivery. Can you provide us a MIB (if you have additional information to that provided in your message) and an anonymized .snmpwalk of your equipment to help us develop and test this proposal when the time comes : full snmpwalk of enterprise branch :

snmpwalk -ObentU -v 2c -c public address . > equipment.snmpwalk

Best regards

Discussion ongoingNeeds Votes