Dear all,
The single search field in the “new” status resource pages work in regex and in 2025 it does not allow to use the regex metacharacters without having to escape them.
This is very problematic since Centreon is a software for monitoring server or network computer devices which themselves regularly use these characters and this is exactly what we monitor with Centreon.
For example this make a problem when you want to do a simple and quick search for an interface name or a disk folders/files on our devices.
It should be possible to just search for an interface by is name without worrying about regex syntaxe
TenGigE0/7/1/1 > make a error
> so we must use TenGigE0\/7\/1\/1
same problems for files and folders paths…
Many Centreon users are not competent to understand that they must escape the metacharacter regex.
And for those who know this, it is ok for them once but not thousands of times, so they do not use the new pages and stay on the good deprecated pages.
Please find a user-friendly solution.
If I allow myself a suggestion, my solution proposal is to put this single field in the background as an advanced option and put in front the simple multiple fields “identical” to the deprecated pages.
This single field may possibly have some good sides but is infinitely too complex to use for all Centreon users.
Thanks a lot