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Hello The Watch,

Here's the result of a synchronization control command from the WSUS plugin :

OK: Current Synchronisation status is 'NotProcessing', Progress: 0.00% (0/0 items) - Last Synchronisation status is 'Succeeded', Duration: 3s | 'synchronisation_progress'=0;;;0;100 'last_synchronisation_duration'=3s;;;0;

I want to use the ''synchronisation-status'' and ''last-synchronisation-status'' metrics which are text data in a dashboard but the metrics don't appear.

I've confirmed that it's linked to the fact that the value is text.


It would be interesting to be able to use and display these values in Dashboards.




Best regards,

NewDiscussion ongoing


Can you precise in which Dashboard’s widgets you want to use this kind of text variable?

Having precise examples would help us answer your needs.


Thanks for your feedback, the widget concerned is the "single metric" widget.

Best regards,


Discussion ongoingNeeds Votes


Some news ?

Best Regards,

Hello ​@vliard,


Your idea is now needing votes from the community to be prioritized by our teams as quickly as possible.



