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Do you have ideas about which feature should be added to Centreon? Tell us here!

  • 16 February 2022
  • 6 replies
Do you have ideas about which feature should be added to Centreon? Tell us here!

Watchers can submit, vote and share product enhancement suggestions inside The Watch via the new Ideas page. We are thrilled to partner with this community to learn more about your ideas on the Centreon product and we are committed to reviewing and investigating them to feed our  product roadmap.


🟢 So, what are you waiting for?


We’ve intialized the page with frequently heard ideas so you can take a look, share your own ideas and vote. If you’ve searched and can’t find an idea similar to the one you have, submit a brand new idea. We have published guidelines to help you present your feedback with the most impact.


Let’s build something great together!


And if you have any questions/comments/feedback/suggestions on this new Ideas experience, please let us know.


Note: Only registered community members have access to the new Ideas experience.

6 replies

Badge +3


Centreon, anciennement Merethis, est une boite française. Serait il possible d’avoir une partie Watch en français s’il vous plait ? 

Bonne journee




Userlevel 5
Badge +11

Bonjour Franck, 

Bonne question !

Vu que nous sommes à nos débuts avec The Watch et que nous ne voulons qu’aucun de nos utilisateurs se sente délaissé, le choix a été fait de communiquer uniquement en anglais pour le moment. Nous espérons être assez nombreux d’ici là, pour pouvoir créer des groupes d’utilisateurs francophones, hispanophones, lusophones, nipponophones, etc. Nous sommes tous impatients d’arriver à ce stade ! :slight_smile:

Bon après-midi, 



  • Maps on centreon more responsibe/adaptable to the screen resolution in full screen.
  • Create a slideshow fonction on maps in centreon web.
  • create custom models (other than wheater) for service object Like using an image (routeur) with green , orange or red depending on status service. or any img we want. 
  • More gauge object .
  • Messaging robot (teams first ! 🙂 ) , to interact with centreon : perform notifications , actions like acknowledge and get informations and host, sensors search…. I’m working on it .
Userlevel 5
Badge +11

Hi @maxk

Glad to see you have a lot of ideas! 😊

I suggest you read this guide which explains perfectly how to submit your ideas to be considered by the Product Manager Team. Then you can submit them here for community voting. Looking forward to reading you. 😉


Badge +1


We also need a centreon map desktop client available on centos/Redhat. Otherwise centreon map desktop client on browsers.





Userlevel 4
Badge +10

Hello zaledia,

Map web editor development is ongoing and we are close to deliver it. In the meantime, we have a beta version which you can test by registering to the Map Web beta group here

We would be glasd to have your feedback on it.



