Nous sommes une entreprise éditrice de logiciel Logistique exclusivement en environnement Microsoft : nos productions se font en Windev/WLangage / SQL SERVER / Visual Studio .NET C#, et nous comptons migrer intégralement nos réalisations vers l’environnement C# / SQL SERVER.
Les solutions préconisées ici sont-elles adaptées à nos environnements d’exploitation et de production ?
Hello @Yauron,
Thank you for your request.
From the information provided on your profile, would you allow one of our sales representatives to contact you?
Hello @Yauron,
Thank you for your request.
From the information provided on your profile, would you allow one of our sales representatives to contact you?
Thank you for answering me !
AS you can read, I am French. I hope my English skills are not lacking too much. Next week, I'll have enough time to talk to anyone. So you can call me whatever you want next week. Anyway, using French in a verbal exchange as a natural language remains the best solution to allow me to capitalize intellectually.
Currently, our questions are really basic. Compatibility with Windev/WLanguage developments? SQL SERVER 14/15 compatibility? Visual Studio/C# 2017/2019/2022 compatibility?