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The Centreon Monitoring Agent (CMA) collects metrics and computes statuses on the servers it monitors, and sends them to Centreon. Centreon plugins as well as Nagios-compatible plugins can be used with this agent.


Step 1: Set up the environment


Case 1: Centreon IT-100

You need to upgrade your platform to the latest version (at least 24.04.6), including pollers.


Case 2: Centreon Business Edition (<24.04.6)

You need to set up a new platform and request a temporary licence from our team: use private message or email to and provide your platform fingerprint (on the Administration > Extensions > Manager page). 


Case 3: Centreon Open Source

Create the following commands and templates manually.

Windows - Commands

Name Command line

cmd.exe /C echo Centreon Agent

OS-Windows-Centreon-Monitoring-Agent-Certificates "$_HOSTCENTREONAGENTPLUGINS$/centreon_plugins.exe" --plugin os::windows::local::plugin --mode certificates --filter-subject="$_SERVICEFILTERSUBJECT$" --filter-thumbprint="$_SERVICEFILTERTHUMBPRINT$" --filter-path="$_SERVICEFILTERPATH$" --unit="$_SERVICETHRESHOLDSUNIT$" --warning-certificate-expires="$_SERVICEWARNINGCERTIFICATEEXPIRES$" --critical-certificate-expires="$_SERVICECRITICALCERTIFICATEEXPIRES$" --warning-certificates-detected="$_SERVICEWARNINGCERTIFICATESDETECTED$" --critical-certificates-detected="$_SERVICECRITICALCERTIFICATESDETECTED$" $_SERVICEEXTRAOPTIONS$
OS-Windows-Centreon-Monitoring-Agent-Ntp "$_HOSTCENTREONAGENTPLUGINS$/centreon_plugins.exe" --plugin os::windows::local::plugin --mode time --warning="$_SERVICEWARNINGOFFSET$" --critical="$_SERVICECRITICALOFFSET$" --ntp-hostname="$_SERVICENTPHOSTNAME$" --ntp-port="$_SERVICENTPPORT$" --timeout="$_SERVICETIMEOUT$" $_SERVICEEXTRAOPTIONS$
OS-Windows-Centreon-Monitoring-Agent-Pending-Reboot "$_HOSTCENTREONAGENTPLUGINS$/centreon_plugins.exe" --plugin os::windows::local::plugin --mode pending-reboot --warning-status="$_SERVICEWARNINGSTATUS$" --critical-status="$_SERVICECRITICALSTATUS$" --timeout="$_SERVICETIMEOUT$" $_SERVICEEXTRAOPTIONS$
OS-Windows-Centreon-Monitoring-Agent-Sessions "$_HOSTCENTREONAGENTPLUGINS$/centreon_plugins.exe" --plugin os::windows::local::plugin --mode sessions --language="$_HOSTSYSTEMLANGUAGE$" --timeout="$_SERVICETIMEOUT$" --warning-sessions-created="$_SERVICEWARNINGSESSIONSCREATED$" --critical-sessions-created="$_SERVICECRITICALSESSIONSCREATED$" --warning-sessions-disconnected="$_SERVICEWARNINGSESSIONSDISCONNECTED$" --critical-sessions-disconnected="$_SERVICECRITICALSESSIONSDISCONNECTED$" --warning-sessions-reconnected="$_SERVICEWARNINGSESSIONSRECONNECTED$" --critical-sessions-reconnected="$_SERVICECRITICALSESSIONSRECONNECTED$" --warning-sessions-active="$_SERVICEWARNINGSESSIONSACTIVE$" --critical-sessions-active="$_SERVICECRITICALSESSIONSACTIVE$" --warning-sessions-disconnected-current="$_SERVICEWARNINGSESSIONSDISCONNECTEDCURRENT$" --critical-sessions-disconnected-current="$_SERVICECRITICALSESSIONSDISCONNECTEDCURRENT$" $_SERVICEEXTRAOPTIONS$
OS-Windows-Centreon-Monitoring-Agent-Updates "$_HOSTCENTREONAGENTPLUGINS$/centreon_plugins.exe" --plugin os::windows::local::plugin --mode updates --timeout="$_SERVICETIMEOUT$" --warning-pending-updates="$_SERVICEWARNINGPENDINGUPDATES$" --critical-pending-updates="$_SERVICECRITICALPENDINGUPDATES$" $_SERVICEEXTRAOPTIONS$


Windows - Host Template

Name Alias Templates Check Command
OS-Windows-Centreon-Monitoring-Agent Windows server monitored using the Centreon Monitoring Agent generic-passive-host-custom OS-Windows-Centreon-Monitoring-Agent-Host-Alive


Windows - Service Templates

Alias Name Template Check command
Centreon-Monitoring-Agent OS-Windows-Centreon-Monitoring-Agent generic-passive-service-custom -
Certificates OS-Windows-Certificates-Centreon-Monitoring-Agent OS-Windows-Centreon-Monitoring-Agent OS-Windows-Centreon-Monitoring-Agent-Certificates
Ntp OS-Windows-Ntp-Centreon-Monitoring-Agent OS-Windows-Centreon-Monitoring-Agent OS-Windows-Centreon-Monitoring-Agent-Ntp
Pending-Reboot OS-Windows-Pending-Reboot-Centreon-Monitoring-Agent OS-Windows-Centreon-Monitoring-Agent OS-Windows-Centreon-Monitoring-Agent-Pending-Reboot
Sessions OS-Windows-Sessions-Centreon-Monitoring-Agent OS-Windows-Centreon-Monitoring-Agent OS-Windows-Centreon-Monitoring-Agent-Sessions
Updates OS-Windows-Updates-Centreon-Monitoring-Agent OS-Windows-Centreon-Monitoring-Agent OS-Windows-Centreon-Monitoring-Agent-Updates



Case 4: Centreon Cloud

You need to update/upgrade your poller.


Step 2: Follow the procedure

Hello, I've read the manuals, but I can't find the download link for the agent for Linux hosts. Where can I find it? Thanks, best regards

Hello, I've read the manuals, but I can't find the download link for the agent for Linux hosts. Where can I find it? Thanks, best regards

Hi, thanks for your interest in CMA Beta. 

There is no download link for CMA Linux, you just have to deploy the centreon-monitoring-agent package (see

ie for Alma9 : 

dnf install centreon-monitoring-agent


Let me know if you encounter any issue

Hello, thank you for the information.

I have already installed it on Debian 12. What would be the repository for Ubuntu 22.04?


Best regards


ubuntu 22.04 centreon-monitoring-agent is available here:



this is not the replacement of nsclient, it does not check the ram, cpu, disks, swap, services ...

is it planned to add this ?





this is not the replacement of nsclient, it does not check the ram, cpu, disks, swap, services ...

is it planned to add this ?



Hi, thanks for your interest in Centreon.

Windows native checks are planned and under development.

They will be included during the beta phasis.

The following scope will be handled as first priority : CPU, Memory, Disk Uptime, Services, Counter, Swap


We will keep you informed in The Watch of this availability.

Is it possible to have an offline version for Windows Server without requiring Internet access?

I heard this might be available, as mentioned during the summit.


Is it possible to have an offline version for Windows Server without requiring Internet access?

I heard this might be available, as mentioned during the summit.


Hi, thanks for your interest in Centreon.

We are currently working on a offline installer, which should be released in end of January.

Is it possible to have an offline version for Windows Server without requiring Internet access?

I heard this might be available, as mentioned during the summit.


Hi, thanks for your interest in Centreon.

We are currently working on a offline installer, which should be released in end of January.

Okay, thanks.

I’ll see what approach to take—possibly using another agent—since I need to validate a POC with custom scripts.

Is it possible to have an offline version for Windows Server without requiring Internet access?

I heard this might be available, as mentioned during the summit.


Hi, thanks for your interest in Centreon.

We are currently working on a offline installer, which should be released in end of January.

Okay, thanks.

I’ll see what approach to take—possibly using another agent—since I need to validate a POC with custom scripts.

Thanks for your answer.

You should be able to test custom scripts with Centreon Monitoring Agent, which is already totaly offline if you don’t install Centreon plugins, since Internet access is only dedicated to download Centreon plugins.

Tell me if you need a meet to help you testing these custom scripts.


Version Centreon 24.10.2

used centreon-monitoring-agent-24.10.0.exe

i have test on agent windows a new check, Memory CPU storage swap uptime CPU detail, but a check command create are not correct

new command are strange … exemple

{"check":"memory", "args":{ "swap": false, "warning-usage" : "", "critical-usage" : "", "warning-usage-free" : "", "critical-usage-free" : "", "warning-usage-prct" : "", "critical-usage-prct" : "", "warning-usage-free-prct" : "", "critical-usage-free-prct" : ""}}


{"check":"cpu_percentage", "args":{ "cpu-detailed": false, "warning-core" : "", "critical-core" : "", "warning-average" : "", "critical-average" : ""}}


{"check":"storage", "args":{ "warning" : "80", "critical" : "90", "filter-storage-type" : ".*", "filter-fs" : ".*"}}





Version Centreon 24.10.2

used centreon-monitoring-agent-24.10.0.exe

i have test on agent windows a new check, Memory CPU storage swap uptime CPU detail, but a check command create are not correct

new command are strange … exemple

{"check":"memory", "args":{ "swap": false, "warning-usage" : "", "critical-usage" : "", "warning-usage-free" : "", "critical-usage-free" : "", "warning-usage-prct" : "", "critical-usage-prct" : "", "warning-usage-free-prct" : "", "critical-usage-free-prct" : ""}}


{"check":"cpu_percentage", "args":{ "cpu-detailed": false, "warning-core" : "", "critical-core" : "", "warning-average" : "", "critical-average" : ""}}


{"check":"storage", "args":{ "warning" : "80", "critical" : "90", "filter-storage-type" : ".*", "filter-fs" : ".*"}}




Hi Jean-François,

CMA version including native checks has not been released yet, it will be in 24.10.3, wich will be released soon.

The new format for commands is normal, there are not classical Centreon/Nagios-like commands.

We are planning to upgrade from NRPE 0.5 to Windows Centreon Monitoring Agent in the near future, as it brings new features such as SSL certificate verification.

We have consulted the practical guides and we have some doubts about the configuration of the otl_server.json file. There are several possibilities for encrypting the flow but it's not very clear for the certificate part.

  • Can you provide more information?
  • How do you generate these certificates?
  • What types of certificates are supported?
  • Where they have to be placed within the system?

More generally:

  • Could you specify the prerequisites for setting up this new monitoring solution? 
  • The Windows Centreon Monitoring Agent plugin documentation also specifies that port 4317 must be opened on the poller when entering TCP protocol. So there's no need to open any port on the target server for monitoring, whether in One peer retention mode or not?

Nous prévoyons de passer prochainement de NRPE 0.5 à Windows Centreon Monitoring Agent car il apporte de nouvelles fonctionnalités telles que la vérification des certificats SSL.


Nous avons consulté les guides pratiques et nous avons quelques doutes sur la configuration du fichier otl_server.json. il y a plusieurs possibilités pour chiffrer le flux mais ça n'est pas très clair pour la partie certificat.

  • Pouvez-vous apporter des compléments d'informations ?
  • Comment générer ces certificats ?
  • Quels types de certificats est pris en charge ?
  • Ou doit-on les placer au sein du système ?


Plus globalement

  • Pouvez-vous préciser les prérequis pour la mise en place de cette nouvelle solution de monitoring ? 
  • Il est aussi précisé dans la documentation de plugin Windows Centreon Monitoring Agent que le port 4317 doit être ouvert sur le poller en entrant en TCP protocol. il n'est donc pas nécessaire d'ouvrir un port quelconque sur le serveur cible pour la surveillance que ce soit en One peer retention mode ou pas ?


En ce qui concerne le port, l’agent fonctionne suivant 2 modes, soit le poller se connecte sur l’agent soit l’agent se connecte sur le poller. Ça permet par exemple de mettre un agent dans une DMZ sans avoir à ouvrir de flux sortant de la DMZ. Il est mentionné le port 4317, mais le port est configurable des 2 cotés.

En ce qui concerne la crypto, là désolé, je ne suis pas un pro de la crypto. Je dirais que les besoins sont identiques à ceux d’un serveur WEB (le protocole est du grpc sur HTTP2). Sur le serveur GRPC poller ou agent suivant le cas, vous avez besoin au moins de la clé privée. Sur le client, vous avez besoin de la clé publique sauf dans le cas où celle ci est accessible depuis le client.

Thank you ​@fmattes for your explanation regarding native commands; it saves me the trouble of troubleshooting any further.


Thus I went on to test the encryption feature with a windows agent. For some background, my goal is to use the CMA for monitoring ATMs.


I conclude that Encryption does not work.


With and without the "encryption":true clause in /etc/centreon-engine/otl_server.json, the agent is only able to communicate with otel_server when it is not using Encryption (“Encryption” option ticked off) see screenshot 1. The otel_server does not seem to take into account the “encryption”: true clause.


@fmattes are you able to confirm whether “Encryption” actually works?


Screenshot 1:



Test cases 1 :

otel_server without Encryption + Centreon Monitoring Agent without Encryption ==> Communication OK

Test cases 2 :

otel_server with Encryption + Centreon Monitoring Agent with Encryption ==> Communication KO

Test cases 3 :

otel_server with Encryption + Centreon Monitoring Agent without Encryption ==> Communication OK


Errors received with Encryption (Test cases 2) :

o2024-12-24 17:14:18.228] centreon-monitoring-agent] 7error]] 0xe96c373f60 peer: client::OnDone(failed to connect to all addresses; last error: UNKNOWN: ipv4: Ssl handshake failed: SSL_ERROR_SSL: error:0A00010B:SSL routines::wrong version number)


Configuration otl_server.json with Encryption :

cat /etc/centreon-engine/otl_server.json

















Configuration otl_server.json without Encryption :

cat /etc/centreon-engine/otl_server.json

















Further testing allow me to affirm with some confidence that my keys & certificates on the otel_server side are not at fault:

A test with a normal OpenTelemetry collector at the receiving end of the Centreon Monitoring Agent allows me to confirm that the keys and certificate used pose not problem. The connection is established without any issue, and the collector responds with a message saying that it does not know of a service called “com.centreon.agent.AgentService”.


Test cases 4 :

OpenTelemetry Collector with Encryption + Centreon Monitoring Agent with Encryption ==> Communication OK


Logs of communication between the OpenTelemetry Collector and the Centreon Monitoring Agent :

2024-12-26 16:31:13.415] centreon-monitoring-agent] iinfo]] centreon-monitoring-agent start

a2024-12-26 16:31:13.437] centreon-monitoring-agent] idebug]] client this=0x2721788930 activate compression deflate

a2024-12-26 16:31:13.437] centreon-monitoring-agent] iinfo]] encrypted connection to cert: ..., key: ..., ca: -----BEGIN...

.2024-12-26 16:31:13.449] centreon-monitoring-agent] iinfo]] schedule 0 checks to execute in 1s

2024-12-26 16:31:13.449] centreon-monitoring-agent] idebug]] create client this=0x272181ddd0 peer:

32024-12-26 16:31:13.468] centreon-monitoring-agent] itrace]] 0x272181ddd0 client init { host: "GAB-NSOCITECH" centreon_version { major: 24 minor: 10 } } sent

e2024-12-26 16:31:13.486] centreon-monitoring-agent] ierror]] 0x272181ddd0 client peer: fail read from stream

e2024-12-26 16:31:13.486] centreon-monitoring-agent] idebug]] 0x272181ddd0 client::shutdown

o2024-12-26 16:31:13.486] centreon-monitoring-agent] ierror]] 0x272181ddd0 peer: client::OnDone(unknown service com.centreon.agent.AgentService

>2024-12-26 16:31:13.486] 6centreon-monitoring-agent] ndebug]] delete client this=0x272181ddd0 peer:



First about encryption, robot tests are done on github CI and keys are generated with these commands included in this python code and is works well:

def ctn_create_key_and_certificate(host: str, key: str, cert: str):
if len(key) > 0:
os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(key), mode=0o777, exist_ok=True)
if len(cert) > 0:
os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(cert), mode=0o777, exist_ok=True)
if len(key) > 0:
f"openssl req -new -newkey rsa:2048 -days 365 -nodes -x509 -keyout {key} -out {cert} -subj '/CN={host}'")
f"openssl req -new -newkey rsa:2048 -days 365 -nodes -x509 -out {cert} -subj '/CN={host}'")

def ctn_create_certificate(host: str, cert: str):
ctn_create_key_and_certificate(host, "", cert)

Another example used in our windows CI (powershell):

$my_host_name = $env:COMPUTERNAME

openssl req -new -newkey rsa:2048 -days 365 -nodes -x509 -keyout server_grpc.key -out server_grpc.crt -subj "/CN=${my_host_name}"




Second, your problem is due to the fact that centreon monitoring agent can only connect to centreon-engine at this stage of development.

In the future, it will be able to connect to any collector, but not yet.

Regards and Happy new year