I executed the 22.10 to 23.04 upgrade.
Some statuses are not consistent between the resources table and the services table.
As a result, the resources status screens do not report errors while the bubbles at the top detect anomalies.
For exemple :
MariaDB centreon_storage]> SELECT NOW(), host_id, service_id, description, state FROM services WHERE service_id = 1041;
| NOW() | host_id | service_id | description | state |
| 2023-04-29 17:34:13 | 83 | 1041 | X509-Expiration-HTTPs | 1 |
1 row in set (0.001 sec)
MariaDB centreon_storage]> SELECT NOW(), parent_id, id, name, status FROM resources WHERE id = 1041;
| NOW() | parent_id | id | name | status |
| 2023-04-29 17:35:12 | 83 | 1041 | X509-Expiration-HTTPs | 0 |
The command line return an OK state.
>root@central centreon-engine]# /usr/lib/centreon/plugins//centreon_protocol_x509.pl --plugin=apps::protocols::x509::plugin --mode=certificate --custommode='tcp' --hostname='XXXXX' --port=443 --warning-status='%{expiration} < 15' --critical-status='%{expiration} < 5' --ssl-opt="SSL_verify_mode => SSL_VERIFY_NONE"
OK: Certificate for 'XXXX' expires in '54' days 2023-06-22T18:23:38Z] - Issuer: 'YYYY'
>root@central centreon-engine]# echo $?