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Hello Community,

Since many year we could see Connector about Perl, SSH, VMware and most recently AS400.

By concept a connector improve the use of plugins by a better forking process maybe, participate to reduce the load of poller, better consumpation of RAM, a better usage of the API requested, etc..

The connector for VMware who is called daemon is mandatory, for the AS400 same thing.

About the Perl and SSH, there is a person we implement this connector and saw the difference, the reduction of load and others ?

Is it a way to reduce the load of a poller ?

I don't see any benchmark about that, so i ask this question.




Anyone have an information/experience about the benefits of the SSH Connector and Perl Connector.

Plugin Pack don't autorize the usage of the Connector.

So that only for custom command ?

I wasn’t enough curious

It’s possible to configure every Command with the Connectors (Perl / SSH).

Configuration → Commands → Connector

You click on the Connector (Perl Connector for me)

You could add the command at the level of Used by Command

I will test it, to see the difference.

But if you have a benchmark, I wish I could see him.

