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Acces Configure page host Centreon


Why do you think access to the configuration page of a host is slow? By slow I mean at least 30 seconds of waiting?



10 replies

Userlevel 6
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Hi @Francis DOUNGA which version of Centreon do you use?

Did you enable LDAP authentication?

Badge +9

Hi @Laurent 


Centreon 22.04 and I use openid authentification


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@Laurent  LDAP is not enable

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I have the same problem on the hostgroups page when I want to watch the content of a hostgroup. It is slower than a host's page but you can feel it

Userlevel 6
Badge +20

When you access to this pages, do you have error in /var/log/php-fpm/centreon-eroor.log?

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I have not error in log file

Userlevel 6
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Ok, to continue to investigate:

  • Do you have the same average time when you access to configuration page?
  • Are you sure that any LDAP configuration is enabled (Administration > Parameters > LDAP)?
  • How many host?, hostgroups?
  • You have the same for “admin” accounts or account through ACLs?


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  • Do you have the same average time when you access to configuration page? No
  • Are you sure that any LDAP configuration is enabled (Administration > Parameters > LDAP)? Sure
  • How many host?, hostgroups? 1630 host enabled , 57 hostgroups
  • You have the same for “admin” accounts or account through ACLs? I have an admin account
Userlevel 6
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You don’t have javascript errors using “developper mode” in “Console” tab when you access to those pages?

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I have not error in inspect code

Do you know what is the command that launches when I click on the host to enter the configuration? 

The show full procelist in database show nothing
