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Access denied centreon@localhost

  • 24 July 2024
  • 6 replies

Hi all


New problem. I have the following error (line 69) sometimes and that must explain why I have un incident on my mysql database.

password is set in :




240724  9:53:56     11 Query    SELECT nagios_server_id, command_file, cfg_dir, centreonbroker_cfg_path, snmp_trapd_path_conf, engine_start_command, engine_stop_command, engine_restart_command, engine_reload_command, broker_reload_command, init_script_centreontrapd FROM cfg_nagios, nagios_server WHERE = cfg_nagios.nagios_server_id AND cfg_nagios.nagios_activate = '1'
11 Query SELECT `value` FROM options WHERE `key` = 'gorgone_illegal_characters'
66 Connect centreon@localhost on centreon using Socket
66 Query SET NAMES utf8
67 Connect centreon@localhost on centreon using Socket
67 Query SET NAMES utf8
66 Quit
67 Query SELECT `session_id` FROM session WHERE `session_id` = 'nikmbv8rjbipcr9nnklci1l2cs'
67 Query SELECT name FROM modules_informations
68 Connect centreon@localhost on centreon using Socket
68 Query SET NAMES utf8
68 Query SELECT `session_id` FROM session WHERE `session_id` = 'nikmbv8rjbipcr9nnklci1l2cs'
68 Query UPDATE `session`
SET `last_reload` = 1721807636, `ip_address` = ''
WHERE `session_id` = 'nikmbv8rjbipcr9nnklci1l2cs'
68 Query SELECT `value`
FROM `options`
WHERE `key` = 'session_expire'
68 Query UPDATE `security_token`
SET `expiration_date` = 1721814836
WHERE `token` = 'nikmbv8rjbipcr9nnklci1l2cs'
68 Quit
67 Quit
240724 9:53:59 69 Connect centreon@localhost on centreon_storage using Socket
69 Connect Access denied for user 'centreon'@'localhost' (using password: YES)
240724 9:54:01 70 Connect centreon@localhost on centreon using Socket
70 Query SET NAMES utf8
71 Connect centreon@localhost on centreon_storage using Socket
71 Query SET NAMES utf8
70 Query SELECT id, running FROM cron_operation WHERE name LIKE 'centAcl.php'
70 Query UPDATE cron_operation SET running = '1', time_launch = 1721807641
WHERE id = 2
70 Query SELECT `key`, `value` FROM `options` WHERE `key` IN ('ldap_auth_enable', 'ldap_last_acl_update')
70 Query SELECT auth.ar_id, auth.ar_sync_base_date, info.ari_value AS `interval`
FROM auth_ressource auth
INNER JOIN auth_ressource_info info ON auth.ar_id = info.ar_id
WHERE auth.ar_enable = '1' AND info.ari_name = 'ldap_sync_interval'
70 Query COMMIT
71 Query DELETE FROM centreon_acl WHERE group_id NOT IN (SELECT DISTINCT acl_group_id
FROM `centreon`.acl_groups WHERE acl_group_activate = '1')
71 Query DELETE FROM centreon_acl WHERE group_id NOT IN (SELECT DISTINCT acl_group_id FROM `centreon`.acl_res_group_relations)
71 Query COMMIT
70 Query SELECT acl_res_id, all_hosts, all_hostgroups, all_servicegroups
FROM acl_resources WHERE acl_res_activate = '1'
AND (all_hosts IS NOT NULL OR all_hostgroups IS NOT NULL OR all_servicegroups IS NOT NULL)
70 Query SELECT host_id FROM host WHERE host_id NOT IN (SELECT DISTINCT host_host_id
FROM acl_resources_host_relations WHERE acl_res_id = 1)
AND host_register = '1'
70 Query COMMIT
70 Query SELECT hg_id FROM hostgroup
WHERE hg_id NOT IN (
SELECT DISTINCT hg_hg_id FROM acl_resources_hg_relations
WHERE acl_res_id = 1)
70 Query COMMIT
70 Query SELECT sg_id FROM servicegroup
WHERE sg_id NOT IN (
SELECT DISTINCT sg_id FROM acl_resources_sg_relations
WHERE acl_res_id = 1)
70 Query COMMIT
70 Query SELECT DISTINCT acl_groups.acl_group_id
FROM acl_res_group_relations, `acl_groups`, `acl_resources`
WHERE acl_groups.acl_group_id = acl_res_group_relations.acl_group_id
AND acl_res_group_relations.acl_res_id = acl_resources.acl_res_id
AND acl_groups.acl_group_activate = '1'
acl_groups.acl_group_changed = '1' OR
(acl_resources.changed = '1' AND acl_resources.acl_res_activate IS NOT NULL)
70 Query UPDATE cron_operation
SET running = '0', last_execution_time = 0
WHERE id = 2
71 Quit
70 Quit


and the screenshot


How can I find the cause of this error ?

thanks for help

6 replies

Userlevel 5
Badge +11


Can you check the log file /var/log/centreon-broker/central-broker-master.log ?

Does the password is set in the Centreon broker master config? (Configuration > Pollers > Broker Configuration)

Make sure it is the good password, then Export the config to the Central and restart the cbd service

systemctl restart cbd

Hope it helps

Badge +6

Thanks for your reply.


I modified as : 



Export files

restart cbd

but I still have the following problem :

[2024-07-24T16:52:56.557+02:00] [sql] [error] mysql_connection 0x7f658001fb40: error while starting connection: mysql_connection: The mysql/mariadb database seems not started. Waiting before attempt to connect again: Access denied for user 'centreon'@'localhost' (using password: YES)
[2024-07-24T16:52:56.557+02:00] [processing] [error] failover central-broker-master-unified-sql: global error: mysql_connection: error while starting connection

And with same password …


[root@supervision2 ~]# mysql -u centreon -p
Enter password:
Welcome to the MariaDB monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MariaDB connection id is 6936
Server version: 10.5.25-MariaDB-log MariaDB Server

Copyright (c) 2000, 2018, Oracle, MariaDB Corporation Ab and others.

Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input statement.

MariaDB [(none)]>

I begin to desperate ….



Userlevel 5
Badge +11

When you are connected to the database, can you see the centreon_storage database?



Badge +6


[root@supervision2 ~]# mysql -u centreon -p
Enter password:
Welcome to the MariaDB monitor. Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MariaDB connection id is 6936
Server version: 10.5.25-MariaDB-log MariaDB Server

Copyright (c) 2000, 2018, Oracle, MariaDB Corporation Ab and others.

Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input statement.

MariaDB [(none)]> show databases;
| Database |
| centreon |
| centreon_storage |
| information_schema |
| mysql |
4 rows in set (0.000 sec)

MariaDB [(none)]>


Userlevel 5
Badge +11

Can you read the file /etc/centreon-broker/central-broker.json and check if the password on this part match the one you actually use to connect to the database?


Badge +6

Yes. Same one.
