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Hello I have to monitor multiple Disk of the Linux host. I am using the service template OS-Linux-Disk-Generic-Name-SNMP. Please let me know how to add the multiple disks. 

Hello @pravink,

Do you want one global service for all the disks of your host or one service per disk ?



Thank you for your reply! We have configured global service for all the disk but in that all unwanted disks are also coming in monitoring. we have to monitor specific disks like: /, /home, /opt like so for this do i need to create a one service per disk or is it possible with one template.






You can do both. You can either have a global service with all your disks where you can exclude the ones you don’t want by putting a regex like this one ^(?!(.*swap)) in the “Filter” area in the Service configuration or Template OS-Linux-Disk-Global-SNMP-custom. 

The other solution as you said is to create a service per disk with the template OS-Linux-Disk-Generic-Name-SNMP-custom and put in the DISKNAME macro field the name of the disk you want to monitor. 



