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Basic cmd-return check command parsing issue ( " option '?' requires an argument " )

  • 3 June 2024
  • 1 reply

Hello all


Trying to create a simple check command based on SSH cmd-return mode (following


I have created this simple check command :


/usr/lib/centreon/plugins/ --plugin=os::linux::local::plugin --hostname=$HOSTADDRESS$ --ssh-backend='libssh' --ssh-username='centreon-monitoring'  --ssh-priv-key='/var/lib/centreon-engine/.ssh/id_rsa'  --mode=cmd-return --exec-command=/usr/bin/true    --manage-returns='0,OK,OK#1,CRITICAL,KO#,UNKNOWN,Problem'


But command fails, log (connector-ssh.log) shows : “score] error] fail to parse cmd line /usr/lib/centreon/plugins/ <...> option '?' requires an argument


Any idea on the missing argument  ?


Thank you



1 reply

Badge +1

Additional info, the command when run in SSH does not complain and returns correctly


# /usr/lib/centreon/plugins/ --plugin=os::linux::local::plugin --hostname= --ssh-backend='libssh' --ssh-username='centreon-monitoring'  --ssh-priv-key='/var/lib/centreon-engine/.ssh/id_rsa'  --mode=cmd-return --exec-command=/usr/bin/true    --manage-returns='0,OK,OK#1,CRITICAL,KO#,UNKNOWN,Problem'
OK: OK | 'command.exit.code.count'=0;;;;
