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Hi everyone, 

I’m running 24.04, and try to use the APIv2 to maintain some HostGroup to Host  by script.
I can do what I want, but maybe I have a ‘bug’:

I use a command method ‘PATCH’ to update a single Host configuration, by modifying only the ‘groups’ item (by passing an array of integer (of HostGroup ID)).

That work like a charm BUT, after doing that, I can’t export poller configuration anymore.
It seems like this command add a ‘null’ value to Host Categories:

After that if I go to the host configuration, clic the cross to ‘delete’ host category (but in fact, there is none), and save. Then I can export poller configuration again.

Does someone have a way to update only ‘groups’ for a ‘host’ ?

Yeah ok, that’s a bug ..


If anyone have the same problematic and can suggest a way to update host group for a host by script, I’m interested.
