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I got an Database issue but I don’t know where the error can be, when I check mysql/error.log nothing there.

I already followed steps with

My connections are up 

Central :

tcp        0      0 10.x.x.x:38000       10.x.x.x:5777         ESTABLISHED 56402/gorgone-proxy
tcp        0      0 10.x.x.x:5669        10.x.x.x:57086        ESTABLISHED 734/cbd

Poller :

tcp        0      0 10.x.x.x:5777         x.x.x:38000       ESTABLISHED 1757/perl
tcp        0      0 10.x.x.x:57086        x.x.x:5669        ESTABLISHED 1816/centengine



I have this error :

2024-12-19 09:18:45 - ERROR - core] Package 'gorgone::modules::core::action::hooks' already loaded
2024-12-19 09:19:00 - ERROR - Rlegacycmd] Cannot process message type 'SENDCBCFGthrowing it away.


the 3 pollers have the same image I just changed the ip and the hostname, on my hypervisor in 1 the poller does not work while on hypervisor 2 it works





I’ve the same issue on my Central Poller. The only difference is that I see all my polls in green, correctly. But the Poller icon is orange, indicating a Database problem, and Poller...


I've done a little research and it seems that it's the centcore.cmd file that's causing the problem. 

The error “ERROR - Elegacycmd] Cannot process message type 'SENDCBCFGthrowing it away.” refers to the following category in the file “/etc/centreon-gorgone/config.d/40-gorgoned.yaml”.


In my opinion, the error is linked to the fact that it can't find the “centcore.cmd” file.
When you manually create this file in the right directory, it is deleted almost instantly. I get stuck at this stage.

I don't have any other leads... I'd be happy to hear from anyone who has had the same problem.


Same issue for me after upgrade 24.04 to 24.10.

My gorgoned.log :





Vous avez du nouveau à ce sujet ? En effet, nous avons mis à jour notre solution de 24.04 à 24.10 et depuis nous avons ce message dans /var/log/centreon-gorgone/gorgoned.log “ERROR - Rlegacycmd] Cannot process message type 'SENDCBCFGthrowing it away.”


Merci pour votre retour,





Malheureusement, oui.
Je n’ai pour l’instant trouvé aucune solution ni aucune aide.
