I dont know why, I have a centengine error, I get the following output when I put systemctl status centengine:
centenginee38831]: date] configuration] info] Processing object config file '/etc/centreon-engine/severities.cfg'
centenginee38831]: 1674206969] 38831] Reading resource file '/etc/centreon-engine/resource.cfg'
centenginee38831]: date configuration] info] Reading resource file '/etc/centreon-engine/resource.cfg'
centenginen38831]: :date] ]core] ]info] Starting the TCP thread pool of 4 threads
centenginen38831]: :date] ]core] ]info] protocols: registering protocol ('file' (layers 1-3)
centenginen38831]: :date] ]core] ]info] protocols: registering protocol ('compression' (layers 6-6)
centenginei38831]: ]date] ecore] einfo] protocols: registering protocol ('BBDO' (layers 7-7)
centenginei38831]: /usr/sbin/centengine: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib64/nagios/cbmod.so: undefined symbol: _ZN3com8centreon6broker3neb9log_entryC1Ev
systemde1]: centengine.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=127/n/a
systemde1]: centengine.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.
Why do I get this error? How can I recover that cbmod.so file?