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central poller does not running

  • 6 March 2023
  • 1 reply

 After a fresh install with packages on Debian 11.

I read all about it and even I wrote a post with some errors.

In /var/log/centreon-broker/central-broker-master.log there a some errors


The error have sense cause cbd is listening on


Since I tried this before. I used the IP ( of the instance into the form during

centreon/config.d/10-database.yaml, centreon/centreon.conf.php, centreon/ have

More errors...

central-broker-master.log:o2023-03-06T15:24:58.072+00:00] 0core] eerror] failover: global error: failover: 'centreon-broker-rrd' cannot connect endpoint.
central-rrd-master.log:o2023-03-06T15:29:37.240+00:00] 0bbdo] oerror] BBDO: invalid protocol header, aborting connection: waiting for message of type 'version_response' but nothing received
central-rrd-master.log:o2023-03-06T15:29:37.240+00:00] 0tcp] perror] Error while reading on socket: End of file
central-rrd-master.log:o2023-03-06T15:29:37.240+00:00] 0core] eerror] acceptor: endpoint 'central-rrd-master-input' could not accept client: BBDO: invalid protocol header, aborting connection: waiting for message of type 'version_response' but nothing received


Why centreon is calling locahost instead

What can I do?



The interface is HELL. Why you can write local host or another words. It is very anoying

