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I'm trying to setup a Centreon infrastructure with a Central server and a Remote one.

I’m using these versions:

  • Centreon version 24.10
  • Running on Debian 12
  • Remote databases

I'm following the documentation.

At the last step from Attach a remote server to a central server - when running:

systemctl restart cbd centengine

The processes are restarted on the remote server, the web UI shows the remote as running (green),
BUT the central server is set to "not running" (red) at the same time.

The processes are still running on the Central server. When restarting the services on the Central serveur, the status is back to "running" (green).

I haven't seen anything relevant in the logs to explain this.

I can see these queries being run on the mysql server:

2025-02-08T19:06:36.349406Z       205 Execute   INSERT INTO instances  (engine,running,name,pid,instance_id,end_time,start_time,version) VALUES('Centreon Engine',0,'Central',31412,1,1739041596,1739039104,'24.10.3')  ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE engine='Centreon Engine',running=0,name='Central',pid=31412,end_time=1739041596,start_time=1739039104,version='24.10.3'
2025-02-08T19:06:37.056315Z 205 Query UPDATE instances SET end_time=1739041597, running=0 WHERE instance_id=2
2025-02-08T19:06:40.362391Z 205 Execute INSERT INTO instances (engine,running,name,pid,instance_id,end_time,start_time,version) VALUES('Centreon Engine',1,'remote-1',35111,2,0,1739041599,'24.10.3') ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE engine='Centreon Engine',running=1,name='remote-1',pid=35111,end_time=0,start_time=1739041599,version='24.10.3'

This is weird. I'm wondering if it's just a small glitch, or if it could hide a bigger problem.

Any idea? Did anyone else have faced a similar issue?

Thank you in advance for your feedback 🙏


💡 As a workaround, this is working:

  1. Export the configuration of the remote server
  2. Select the first four boxes and choose "Restart", click on "Export"
  3. The remote server will still appear as not running (red) -- Which is also weird...
  4. Then restart the services on the remote server:
    systemctl restart cbd centengine
  5. And everything is green

I don't understand why the export & restart make it work, but I tested multiple times and I can reproduce this behavior.



Si je comprends bien tu est sur une 24.10 et quand tu demande au centrale de redémarrer ton serveur distant ça ne marche pas.


J’ai le même cas :

si par contre tu as des problème de remonté de l’état de ton serveur distant il faut commencé par vérifier la communication au niveau TCP (nc -zv hostIP port), pour être sur que tu as bien le flux descendant (gorgone) et montant (broker).



