
Centreon 22.04.7 OpenID (MS Azure) - Renew OpenIDToken - OpenID Token Lifetime

  • 27 October 2022
  • 5 replies

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We use OpenID with MS Azure to authenticate our Centreon users.
Unfortunately, there are problems with it. It seems that the session tokens are not updated and after about an hour the user is no longer authenticated and gets errors.
After a refresh/relogon everything works again for a certain time.


5 replies

Userlevel 6
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Hi @mwielander what is the refresh token time defined on Azure for your users?

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We have not set an extra value for the lifetime of the tokens. This means that the token has a lifetime of 60 - 90 minutes. As described in the article "" from Microsoft.

I guess the problem is that the token is not renewed.




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we have exactly same symptom with Okta open id connect.

in the past, we used ldap auth and we had no expired session issues.


since we use federated authentication, after a while, token is expired and user has an error message at the bottom of the page “user credentials expired”.

we don’t have that kind of issue for other auth federated apps so i guess it’s more an Centreon implementation issue than an general Oka issue.



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same issue on 22.10.x

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Are there some news on this? OpenID integration is a great thing, but with the expire issue not usable. Any info or idea available?
