Good day,
Distributor ID: RedHatEnterprise
Description: Red Hat Enterprise Linux release 8.6 (Ootpa)
Release: 8.6
- mysql versions on both Centreon 20.04 and 22.04 are at V10.5.18
- Performed mysqldump of centreon and centreon_storage from Centreon 20.04 . Imported centreon_storage into V22.04 with no issues. When I import centreon.sql into V22.04, the “admin” login gives me the following error.
“t::setTheme(): Argument #1 ($theme) must be of type string, null given, called in /usr/share/centreon/src/Centreon/Infrastructure/Contact/ContactRepositoryRDB.php on line 429”
Would anyone know why I’m getting this error?