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Hi there,

I’ve just done the upgrade from Centreon 24.04 to 24.10, everything seemed to be ok until I try to push a new config on central

It fails on a table missing error.

I did not find anything around this issue yet

The only point which alerts me now I have this error, is the “upgrade” process done in web :

After the 24.10 upgrade, I had to follow the web upgrade two times, didn’t understand why. The second time, the first line was “generating application cache” (or similar), and the second was "upgrading centreon 24.10.2 to”  (right part empty)


Can someone help me on this ?


Hello, indeed this sounds like a strange issue.


in 24.10 we drop the table vault_configuration as now this configuration is handle in a file.

We also remove the file DbReadVaultConfigurationRepository to replace it by FsReadVaultConfigurationRepository, so this file should not exists anymore on your system.


Can you do some checks that could help us to resolve this issue.


  • execute the command and copy the output here
    ls -la /usr/share/centreon/src/Core/Security/Vault/Infrastructure/Repository


  • execute the command and copy the output here 
    rpm -qa | grep centreon-web






Here are the outputs :



This second screenshot has given me the reason… My automation tool has rollbacked during my manual upgrade because I forgot to stop it.

Just done again the upgrade and everything is now fine


Thank you for your help !

OK perfect !
