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you cannot change the admin standard password, if you try an error occures “You can't change your password because the delay before changing password is not over.”

solution: in the database of contact_password table is a creation_date with iso date format instead of unix timestamp.

(contactid 1 = admin)

MariaDB acentreon]> SELECT * FROM `contact_password`
    -> ;
| id | password                                                     | contact_id | creation_date  |
|  1 | XXX |          1 |     1689141684 |
|  2 | XXX |          4 |     1689141684 |
|  3 | XXX |          1 | 20230712020512 |
3 rows in set (0.000 sec)

if you set this particular entry to 0, its now possible to change it.

MariaDB 0centreon]> SELECT * FROM `contact_password` ;
| id | password                                                     | contact_id | creation_date |
|  1 | XXX |          1 |    1689141684 |
|  2 | XXX |          4 |    1689141684 |
|  3 | XXX |          1 |             0 |
|  4 | XXX |          1 |    1697545801 |

i think this entry is maybe a develop leftover?


i ment centreon 23.04 not 34.04
