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In CentOS when i try to execute the command : 

systemctl enable rh-php72-php-fpm httpd24-httpd mariadb centreon cbd centengine gorgoned snmptrapd centreontrapd snmpd 

» Error msg: “ No such file or directory”

I tried : systemctl enable httpd24-httpd 

» No error msg so it’s good

I tried 

systemctl enable rh-php72-php-fpm  

» Error msg: “ No such file or directory”

your help please,

Hi Adel.

Can you confirm what version of Centreon is installed on your Centos and wich version of Centos you are using.

As i see that you are using rh-* systemd services, means that you are using the RedHat packages for those services.

Maybe something is going bad with those services and a file is missing.

Can you run the various systemctl enable XXX commands on each service to see if anything else seem to break other than rh-php72-php-fpm ?
