Hello @etomrio
Could you share your definition of notification Host command ? And the same command when you execute it from your poller ?
yes !
curl -s -X POST https://api.telegram.org/botMYIDOTTELEGRAM
/sendMessage -d text="El Host $HOSTNAME$ ($HOSTADDRESS$) esta en estado $HOSTSTATE$, más info: $HOSTOUTPUT$ - $LONGDATETIME$" -d chat_id=-MYIDCHAT
You could add the absolute path of cURL and test it, or simply add a ressource https://docs.centreon.com/docs/monitoring/basic-objects/macros/#resource-macros with the absolute path of binary cURL ?
But, i think you could use the Centreon Plugins Telegram Notification here https://github.com/centreon/centreon-plugins/tree/master/notification/telegram
You could inspired with this tutorial :
I've tried the Centreon Plugins Slack Notification with Mattermost here, you could inspired with the Command notification here : https://thewatch.centreon.com/data-usage-and-visualization-38/feature-of-chatops-module-546