
Centreon map 22.10 (problem displaying the map)

  • 1 March 2023
  • 1 reply

Badge +1


I am testing the new version of Centreon Map (22.10), the problem is that when I click on a map to view it, sometimes it works and displays the map, sometimes it doesn't show anything for a second and returns to the maps list page, so I have to click on the map two or three times to be able to display it.

Here are some photos:

if I want to display the map named “myMap”, it will display like this for a second

then it’s rollback to maps list page

I have to repeat the process two or three times to be able to display myMap


Thank you for your help.

1 reply

Userlevel 5
Badge +11

Hi @Marouane, I recommend that you submit a ticket to our support team.
