i have installed centreon 23.10 on my new machine, and i’m trying now to install nagvis with it.

What my newly installed machine nagvis look like so far.
I’ve seen this around, and it seems it’s due to nagvis not being installed.
I’m currently following this procedure : https://www.it-connect.fr/centreon-enterprise-server-cartographie-avec-nagvis/
and i’m stucked at the moment where it’s asked to clon the centreon-nagvis-backend.git.
knowing how trickey it could be, i first checked if the file was still available, and it appears that it’s not.
Another user on this forum have the same issue with this file here, at the end :
I took a look around the centreon repos page , and among the 16 packages, none seems to have any link with nagvis.
however, i found that : https://github.com/centreon/centreon-nagvis. It seems legit, since it’s from the centreon page. i may test it, to see if it works.
I you happen to have an archive of the centreon-nagvis-backend.git file, please let me know.