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Centreon V24.04 - Dashboard error Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'fantasy-land/map')

Hi, I want to test the new dashbord in 24.04.

When i go to dashbord, New dashboard / add widget / Widget type I select one widget, I have an error and i can’t continue.


Unexpected Application Error!

Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'fantasy-land/map')

TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'fantasy-land/map')    at http://X.X.X.X/centreon/static/9074.baa2d801.chunk.js:52:79314    at e (http://X.X.X.X/centreon/static/9074.baa2d801.chunk.js:52:78270)    at http://X.X.X.X/centreon/static/5935.b18aaaec.chunk.js:29:97445    at e (http://X.X.X.X/centreon/static/9074.baa2d801.chunk.js:52:78270)    at http://X.X.X.X/centreon/static/2431.51cb0bc4.chunk.js:1:24168    at http://X.X.X.X/centreon/static/2431.51cb0bc4.chunk.js:1:24195    at (<anonymous>)    at O (http://X.X.X.X/centreon/static/2431.51cb0bc4.chunk.js:1:23963)    at xu (http://X.X.X.X/centreon/static/1615.618e4a26.chunk.js:2:62829)    at Ei (http://X.X.X.X/centreon/static/1615.618e4a26.chunk.js:2:119313)


Thanks for your help ;-) 

Was this an upgraded platform? Have you tried clearing your cache?

Which widget have you selected?

Hi, thanks for your answers guys.

@rchauvel you are right, clear the cache solved the problem… I’m sorry !


I have the same kind of error but clearing the cache don’t solved it. We use the last version of 23.10. We identified that show error at each time we click on Service Graph and my error is :

Unexpected Application Error!

Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'indexOf')


TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'indexOf')    at Tt (https://X.X.X.X/centreon/static/4178.394a86a6.chunk.js:2:21760)    at $t (https://X.X.X.X/centreon/static/4178.394a86a6.chunk.js:2:22191)    at n (https://X.X.X.X/centreon/static/4178.394a86a6.chunk.js:2:8599)    at https://X.X.X.X/centreon/static/6200.e1725188.chunk.js:1:45719    at https://X.X.X.X/centreon/static/6200.e1725188.chunk.js:1:45917    at (<anonymous>)    at Component (https://X.X.X.X/centreon/static/6200.e1725188.chunk.js:1:44765)    at xu (https://X.X.X.X/centreon/static/422.54a5f503.chunk.js:2:62881)    at zo (https://X.X.X.X/centreon/static/422.54a5f503.chunk.js:2:74502)    at Ei (https://X.X.X.X/centreon/static/422.54a5f503.chunk.js:2:120580)

@gwendal.praud I'll try to reproduce your issue.

@gwendal.praud  are you on FF or CH?

@Tom Darneix MON-139741

I used Edge and I tried with FF but the error comes too !

Hello @Tom Darneix 

I used different internet browsers and cleared the cache and the error occurs too.

I went from a version 22.10.10 to 23.10.9 of Centreon, I now have the same error when hovering over the filters / legends in the graph tab.

For example I have a "Test" server, I go to the Graph tab and I have two filters, "Running Task" and "Failed Task", I want to filter my results, so I move my mouse and hover over one of the two filters "Running Task" and "Failed Task" then I have the error


Unexpected Application Error!
Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'indexOf')
TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'indexOf')
    at Tt (https://DOMAIN/centreon/static/4178.394a86a6.chunk.js:2:21760)
    at $t (https://DOMAIN/centreon/static/4178.394a86a6.chunk.js:2:22191)
    at n (https://DOMAIN/centreon/static/4178.394a86a6.chunk.js:2:8599)
    at https://DOMAIN/centreon/static/6200.e1725188.chunk.js:1:45719
    at https://DOMAIN/centreon/static/6200.e1725188.chunk.js:1:45917
    at (<anonymous>)
    at Component (https://DOMAIN/centreon/static/6200.e1725188.chunk.js:1:44765)
    at xu (https://DOMAIN/centreon/static/422.54a5f503.chunk.js:2:62881)
    at zo (https://DOMAIN/centreon/static/422.54a5f503.chunk.js:2:74502)
    at Ei (https://DOMAIN/centreon/static/422.54a5f503.chunk.js:2:120580)


Seems like this was fixed last week and should released with the next minor 23.10.x
