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Centreon Web lock on "Upgrade finished"

  • 21 May 2024
  • 3 replies


New Centreon platform under Debian 12 + Centreon 24.04.
Working last week in pre-production.

Today, wanted to configure vCenter monitoring and done a apt update & apt upgarde -y
Centreon web switched to 24.04.1 and done the web wizard (http://central/centreon/install/upgrade.php) but it is still on step 5 “Upgrade finished”.

I’ve tried to clear my browser cache and symfony one :
sudo -u www-data php /usr/share/centreon/bin/console cache:clear

Any other idea ?

Can you check rights on /usr/share/centreon/www/install dir?

Hi @reglisse,

Did you manage to find a solution to your issue? If so, feel free to share how you did it; it will help someone with the same problem find a solution easily.

Thank you, 


Sorry for the delay,

two filesystems were full : /var/lib/centreon and /var/lib/centreon-broker 

New install but import CLAPI of lot of hosts/services from an old Centreon.
I didn't notice that t /var/lib/centreon was 21 GB on old Centreon and created a 10Gb on new one… 

So my fault only.
