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my actual plaform is the centreon 2.8.19

i’m working on the new version centreon 22.10. in the new version, there is no option to disable check or notification in the ressources view. my supervisors (n2 or n1) use this options frequently. 

Is it a new regular usual of the new centreon version? 

is there an option to reactivate there ?





@dagabard host/services/template follow the same layout.



Extended Info | Additional Information | Enable/disable resource   


Is this what you mean? 🙂🤔


in the older versions, we have this ( my version is centreon 2.8.19 ):


 i do not find this in the resources Status ...


Hi @dagabard,

This is indeed not implemented yet on Resource Status.

Feel free to submit the idea here so it can get up voted and taken into account by our Product Managers 😉



thank’s a lot !


It is what I am going to do 

thank’s a lot !


It is what I am going to do 

any update on this one?
