We have three different Windows domains. We have a user to monitor infraestructure, let’s say ‘Monitor’, defined in all three domains. Password for this user is different in every domain.
According to this article (https://docs.centreon.com/pp/integrations/plugin-packs/getting-started/how-to-guides/windows-winrm-wsman-tutorial/#configure-kerberos-on-the-centreon-server), when configuring pollers you create a file called Monitor@keytab ‘to allow reconnection without a password for the reinitialization part’.
However, If I repeat the process for every domain, I will rewrite the same file three times. How do I have to do when configuring three different domains with the same user? Do I have to use different users? Can I follow the configuration process you suggest using @USERNAME@+@DOMAINNAME@ when you tell to use @USERNAME@? Will the ‘realm’ command work fine repeating it for the three domains? I’m not sure about if all commands will work properly.
Can you tell me how to do it?