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Error during centreon 24.04 installation on Oracle Linux Server 8.9

  • 23 February 2024
  • 4 replies

Hi !

First topic here, feel free to help me format / edit things or give feedback !


I’m new to centreon, but i’ve seen that there are quite a few topics related / with similar issues, but yet I can’t get my head around this issue !

I’m trying to install a new server with local database, following the “using package” doc


The final aim would be to migrate from a 20.10 on our old infra to this new server

I’ve seen another post do it, I run an Oracle Linux Server 8.9, with ARM proc

# cat /etc/*release |grep NAME
NAME="Oracle Linux Server"
PRETTY_NAME="Oracle Linux Server 8.9"
# uname -m
# uname -r

I feel like I’ve followed every step of the doc, here is what I’ve “adapted” :

  • End of step 1 : I tried with 23.10 and 24.04 (either one would be good for me)
  • dnf module php : I tried with remi-8.1 and remi-8.0
  • Once I’ve downloaded the repo, i have to edit the /etc/yum.repos.d/centreon-24.04.repo (I replace “$basearch” by “noarch” to force the use of “noarch” install (since there is no aarch64 folder)

After that, I start step 2, and get the following errors : 

# dnf install -y centreon
Last metadata expiration check: 0:29:12 ago on Fri 23 Feb 2024 10:48:35 AM GMT.
Problem: package centreon-24.04.0-1707818318.9b5babc.el8.noarch from centreon-24.04-stable requires centreon-central = 24.04.0-1707818318.9b5babc.el8, but none of the providers can be installed
- cannot install the best candidate for the job
- nothing provides centreon-broker-cbd >= 24.04 needed by centreon-central-24.04.0-1707818318.9b5babc.el8.noarch from centreon-24.04-stable
- nothing provides centreon-broker-cbd < 24.10 needed by centreon-central-24.04.0-1707818318.9b5babc.el8.noarch from centreon-24.04-stable
- nothing provides centreon-auto-discovery-server >= 24.04 needed by centreon-central-24.04.0-1707818318.9b5babc.el8.noarch from centreon-24.04-stable
- nothing provides centreon-auto-discovery-server < 24.10 needed by centreon-central-24.04.0-1707818318.9b5babc.el8.noarch from centreon-24.04-stable
- nothing provides centreon-license-manager >= 24.04 needed by centreon-central-24.04.0-1707818318.9b5babc.el8.noarch from centreon-24.04-stable
- nothing provides centreon-pp-manager >= 24.04 needed by centreon-central-24.04.0-1707818318.9b5babc.el8.noarch from centreon-24.04-stable
- nothing provides centreon-license-manager < 24.10 needed by centreon-central-24.04.0-1707818318.9b5babc.el8.noarch from centreon-24.04-stable
- nothing provides centreon-pp-manager < 24.10 needed by centreon-central-24.04.0-1707818318.9b5babc.el8.noarch from centreon-24.04-stable
- nothing provides centreon-broker-cbd >= 24.04 needed by centreon-central-24.04.0-1707818318.9b5babc.el8.noarch from centreon-24.04-stable-noarch
- nothing provides centreon-broker-cbd < 24.10 needed by centreon-central-24.04.0-1707818318.9b5babc.el8.noarch from centreon-24.04-stable-noarch
- nothing provides centreon-auto-discovery-server >= 24.04 needed by centreon-central-24.04.0-1707818318.9b5babc.el8.noarch from centreon-24.04-stable-noarch
- nothing provides centreon-auto-discovery-server < 24.10 needed by centreon-central-24.04.0-1707818318.9b5babc.el8.noarch from centreon-24.04-stable-noarch
- nothing provides centreon-license-manager >= 24.04 needed by centreon-central-24.04.0-1707818318.9b5babc.el8.noarch from centreon-24.04-stable-noarch
- nothing provides centreon-pp-manager >= 24.04 needed by centreon-central-24.04.0-1707818318.9b5babc.el8.noarch from centreon-24.04-stable-noarch
- nothing provides centreon-license-manager < 24.10 needed by centreon-central-24.04.0-1707818318.9b5babc.el8.noarch from centreon-24.04-stable-noarch
- nothing provides centreon-pp-manager < 24.10 needed by centreon-central-24.04.0-1707818318.9b5babc.el8.noarch from centreon-24.04-stable-noarch
(try to add '--skip-broken' to skip uninstallable packages or '--nobest' to use not only best candidate packages)

With the --nobest option, I feel like I get even more errors, and if I use “skip-broken”, it feels like nothing is done and centreon doesn’t install.


I can provide other informations if needed, feel free to ask =)

Thank you for your time, hope to get in touch !


4 replies

Badge +2

Update - 
I tried kind of every version of remi php module, without new outcome.

I tried to make this install on an AMD proc instead (since it’s on a cloud platform), and yet I have the same issue (with fewer lines of errors I guess, but same kind).

I’m quite as sure as the last time that I’ve follow every step, I even copy and pasted every single thing that I’ve done on a notepad to be sure, but I’ll perform it again today trying to use something else I guess (maybe change the Oracle Linux server version or go for an intel CPU).

I’ll keep this post updated, thanks for your time =)

Badge +2

Well, it look like a PEBCAK error after all.
I let everything default following the packages install tuto (23.10, php:remi 8.1) on another AMD CPU (Oracle Linux Server 8.9 again, my first AMD test was with a 9.0 version), and I don’t have errors anymore.


I feel like the title would need an update cause I finally installed a 23.10 version instead of a 24.04, but for anyone looking for a solution : don’t be greedy like me (going to latest version of everything), follow the doc, and everything should be fine =)

Badge +3

Similar situation here with OL9 and Centreon 24.04 first.
I’ve then switched on debian 12 , following every step



apt install -y --no-install-recommends centreon

Reading package lists... Done

Building dependency tree... Done

Reading state information... Done

Some packages could not be installed. This may mean that you have

requested an impossible situation or if you are using the unstable

distribution that some required packages have not yet been created

or been moved out of Incoming.

The following information may help to resolve the situation:

The following packages have unmet dependencies:

 centreon-central : Depends: centreon-license-manager (>= 24.04~) but it is not going to be installed

                    Depends: centreon-license-manager (< 24.10~) but it is not going to be installed

                    Depends: centreon-pp-manager (>= 24.04~) but it is not going to be installed

                    Depends: centreon-pp-manager (< 24.10~) but it is not going to be installed

                    Depends: centreon-auto-discovery-server (>= 24.04~) but it is not going to be installed

                    Depends: centreon-auto-discovery-server (< 24.10~) but it is not going to be installed

                    Depends: centreon-it-edition-extensions (>= 24.04~) but it is not installable

                    Depends: centreon-it-edition-extensions (< 24.10~) but it is not installable

E: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages.

No problem with rhel9 and 23.10

Badge +2

Hi Venum76,

I’m still looking for upgrading my 23.10 to a 24.04, and I just checked the docs, and I found out that it has just been released on 30/04 !
Here’s what I can find on the documentation :
Already a page dedicated to upgrade from one release of 24.04.x to 24.04.y, and most importantly :

Upgrade from 23.10 to 24.04

Hope this helps, will do it myself in the next few days =)


