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I’m currently installating Centreon 21.10. 

I’m looking for the best way to monitor SMB fioles shares.

I haven’t found any specific plugin.


Could you help me on that subject?


Thanks a lot, 





We’re about to release a plugin dedicated to this monitoring. 

It will be available next week. You can test it already using the github version.

You will be able to check: 

  • Connection
  • Files-count
  • Files-date
  • Files-size
  • Scenario





Thank you very much for this return. 

I test this new plugin and come back to you asap.




I could see the plugin package is available on this link Protocol CIFS | Centreon Documentation

But the install failed.

Do you have any procedure or tuto for installing the plugin listed on the Github link centreon-plugins/ at master · centreon/centreon-plugins · GitHub ? How to deploy pm files.








You can simply use git clone to download the repository on your server (don’t clone within /usr/lib/centreon/plugins directory !).


But I would recommend wait until wednesday where the package mentionned in the documentation will be available on our repositories. ​​​​​






Thank you for this reply. I’ll wait until wednesday.


Have a nice day


***Spoiler Moment***

Visibly the next release of Centreon, the 22.04 will introduce a Real Plugin Packs system.

Installation of a Plugin Packs will install the centreon-plugins on the pollers.

So you cannot to know that you do install centreon-plugins RPM package, or maintain a fresh clone of the centreon-plugins github repository on all your pollers.

Difference will be a Dependencie



@laurent.g it’s out! Commands from the documentation works now ;) Protocol CIFS | Centreon Documentation

Thanks a lot. I could add this plugin on critical file shares and for some cases of data integration.

Very useful, great! I’m going to use it for many cases.

I miss some more documentation on the implementation, for instance on the file options.

 --file  Check file (Multiple option) for  --mode=files-date 

I can’t see how to use that field. I’d like to exclude or include file extensions.






and also to exclude sub folders for files-date check in a precise folder

Hi @laurent.g 


Thanks for your feedback! 


At the moment, I don’t think it’s possible to filter out files from the results, maybe we could add it, could be great when there a lot of files in the directory. 


If you particularly interested in mtime, you can simply use the --mode=file, who is including a date modification check. In this mode, you have a max-depth parameter to control how many sub folders levels the plugin will crawl. 


Or maybe you would like to exclude some specific sub directories? 


Hi @sims24 


Thanks a lot for the suggestion.

Actually I just need to exclude all sub directories as some of them may be used for archiving or error management folders.

I’ll try the way you suggest asap and let you know.





Hi again, 

I’m using the CIFS plugin on some file and it is OK but I still need to understant the way the field --file works when using the mode files-date.

Example : 

/usr/lib/centreon/plugins// --plugin=apps::protocols::cifs::plugin --mode=files-date --hostname='host.domain.local' --cifs-username='domain\svc_filshare' --cifs-password='*****' --timeout=''   --file='' --directory='/folder/' --warning-mtime-last='604800' --critical-mtime-last='' 


--file='' How can we use that field? I tried with file name, no effect.


Thanks in advance for your help.




Bonjour, je voudrais savoir s’il est possible de verifier le nom d’un fichier ou son contenu avec ce plugin ?
