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Files in /usr/share/centreon

  • 7 June 2024
  • 1 reply


I’m in the process of reinstalling of Centreon on one of our platform which presents too many unresolved and spurious issues (it’s a RHEL 8, Centreon 23.10).

I wonder about those two files I get after the uninstall of Centreon packages on the central:


I’m not asking what a .rpmsave file is, but the purpose of the two relative files.

Content of the first is (I just deleted the “secret” which is a long hexadecimal string):


// This file was generated by running "composer dump-env prod"

return array (   'APP_ENV' => 'prod',   'APP_SECRET' => '',   'APP_DEBUG' =>  true,   'DEBUG_LEVEL' => 100 );

(I’m surprise there isn’t a PHP closing tag but maybe it’s normal)

Second one is that (secret string removed also) :


I remember an episode where the Centreon support asked me to install a PHP module to help them to troubleshoot the problem I had. I know I’ve done the necessary for the module to not be loaded but I wonder if those files are related to this.

Most importantly: do Centreon needs them? 

I guess I should not restore them if the re-installation doesn’t do it, but anyway I’m curious so I’d like to know if anyhow it rings a bell to somebody here.

Have a nice day.

1 reply

Just so you know: on TheWatch, the text formatted as “Code” apparently loses its line returns, which is particularly stupid. Maybe it comes from my side (who knows…), but I never experienced such thing on GitHub or another mainstream dev‘ site, so I doubt it.
