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I added the OS-Linux-Mountpoint-SSH-custom service template to my Linux hosts, but some give errors because there are ramfs partitions mounted with the ro flag.

To avoid these errors I would like to add the ramfs (next to the squashfs and tmpfs) type to the types to exclude in the critical treshold (which by default is '%{options} !~ /^rw/i && %{type} !~ /tmpfs|squashfs/i').

How can I do that? Obviously completely ignoring ramfs would also be an option.


To exclude it from the critical alerts, juste like you said, add it on the critical threshold, like this

%{options} !~ /^rw/i && %{type} !~ /tmpfs|squashfs/i

#became this
%{options} !~ /^rw/i && %{type} !~ /tmpfs|squashfs|ramfs/i

You can also put the only fs types you want in the macro FILTERTYPE, by separate them by a | , like this


You cannot specifically exclude one fs type (or i didn’t manage to do it 😅)

Hope it helps
