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How to authenticate on Centreon's Rest API (v1)

  • 12 June 2024
  • 2 replies

I'm attempting to obtain the authentication token for Centreon's REST API using the ARC client API. Currently, I'm running Centreon version 22.10 and referring to the API documentation (

I'm simply including my credentials in the body of my POST query in JSON format like this:


  "username": "user_name",

  "password": "admin_passwd"


the url i used is 'https://local_domain/centreon/api/index.php?action=authenticate'

However, I'm receiving a 'bad parameters' error response, which I'm unsure how to resolve. I've already checked the syntax using a JSON checker.

I've also tried using Postman with the v2 API, but encountered the same error. Could anyone provide assistance?

2 replies

Badge +5

Here is a test using cURL

curl -s -d "username=my_user&password=my_password" -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" -X POST http://centreon-central/centreon/api/index.php?action=authenticate

Another in Python

import requests

username = "my_username"
password = "my_password"

centreon_api_url = "http://my_centreon_central/centreon/api/index.php"
payload = {"username": username,
"password": password

param = "action=authenticate"

url = f"{centreon_api_url}?{param}"

r =, data=payload, timeout=300)

if r.ok:
jr = r.json()



Badge +1

This worked for me, thank you !
