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I added centreon_linux_ssh plugin to be able to execute some shell scripts on remote servers.


I generated public/private ssh keys.

I copied the public key on my remote server.

I tested connection to the remote server without password and it’s works fine.


But how to use macros to execute my script ?


My script is based on remote server:


  • Remote server IP:
  • Path of the script: /usr/share/snmp/my-scripts/


The script return the status of a running server (OK, CRITICAL or UNKNOWN.


Here is my service created:



Thank you for help

I have this error now:





One syntax of "manage returns" is :


Here is an example :

0,OK,Etat OK#1,WARNING,Etat warning#,CRITICAL,Etat KO

For your case, you should try :

0,OK,State OK#2,CRITICAL,State critical#3,WARNING,State warning#,WARNING,Unmanaged exit code

