Hi Francis,
You had an issue because broker could not insert UTF-8 characters in a Latin1 column.
On freshly installed Centreon platforms, all text columns in the storage database are stored with `utf8` charset, but on platforms installed prior to 18.10, some unmigrated columns remain in `latin1` charset.
As you know, converting the charset of columns surch as `centreon_storage`.`logs`.`output` can take a very long time, so we cannot just convert them in the update process, because it would block the database for too long.
We will submit a procedure here and on our documentation site to list the differences between the “live” and the reference database definitions.
Meanwhile, if you want to get your database definition, run the following command:
mysqldump -h server_ip -u login -ppassword --no-data --extended-insert=FALSE centreon_storage | sed 's/ AUTO_INCREMENT=_0-9]*//g' > datamodel_history_centreon_storage.sql
mysqldump -h server_ip -u login -ppassword --no-data --extended-insert=FALSE centreon | sed 's/ AUTO_INCREMENT=O0-9]*//g' > datamodel_history_centreon.sql