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I am looking for a way to install the latest version of Centreon on our platform.

I was hoping to find a Docker Image that would make it straightforward, unfortunately I found no image, whether official or not. My only findings was an article describing the installation for a test environment with Vagrant, and hinting on the possibility of doing it with Docker :

It make me wonder: is there any known limitations with installing Centreon on a docker image or is it just something that no one ever felt the need to document?

Thank you for your time!




Hi, @jla 


We did work on a podman configuration to launch Centreon as a service through containers.


We did not make it public yet, because there are some things we would like to check and document before. And because it will not be supported as it is.

If you want to give it a try, I can provide you with our internal resources 😉 Even if you don’t use podman, still you’ll get some good idea of docker images/volumes definitions for the following components:



Here is the versions we used:


 Application    | Version |
| Podman         | 4.1.1   |
| Podman-Compose | 1.0.4   |
| Podman-Plugin  | 4.1.1   |
| Podman-Remote  | 4.1.1   |


We’re open to feedback!



I don’t know anything about podman but I would love to see how one could deploy Centreon on a containerized environment. I didn’t expect to find a supported solution when I started looking for this so no worries.

I will gladly give any feedback on what I came up with given your input though.



Hello @sims24 ,

If the offer to provide internal resources is still OK on your side I would love to get more details. If it’s not, let me know and I”ll figure something out.



As discussed, we will provide you with these resources next week. 


Hi there, any news on centreon on container? Any expected release?



Hi there, any news on centreon on container? Any expected release?



I have the same question, I was looking for a docker image but nothing… Now I want to create the image but I’m seeing that I’ll need different docker-composes.

@Fabrix possibly an idea?

Hello, let me step into this thread. This is definitely in our plans but I cannot give a date here.

I have a couple of questions for you guys:

  • What are you primarily trying to achieve? Are you looking at scalability? Standardizing on container deployments? Resilience?
  • What component would you prioritize? Central server? Poller? Other?
  • Are you planning on using Kubernetes or plain Docker or something else?


Containerized centreon platform would definitely be a good way to go.


  • What are you primarily trying to achieve? Are you looking at scalability? Standardizing on container deployments? Resilience? => all threes, mainly standarzing & resilience (scalability might require to rethink more Centreon concepts).


  • What component would you prioritize? Central server? Poller? Other? => poller i guess ; question aside: does Centreon supports managed mysql backends instead of IaaS mysql (like as an example)


  • Are you planning on using Kubernetes or plain Docker or something else? => Kubernetes, nowadays dockerd is mainly used for testing/devs ; K8S is definitely the way to go for serious platform.

Thanks @matoy@jla @tetranucleotido @rusomenace, others, could you please also answer those questions?

@matoy as long as the engine specifications are within our pre-requisites, there is no issue using a managed database

Hello, I am interested in accessing the images too, I have support plan if that is a must.

  • What are you primarily trying to achieve? Are you looking at scalability? Standardizing on container deployments? Resilience?, mostly simplicity, containers deploy and update is much more simple than discrete install.
  • What component would you prioritize? Central server? Poller? Other? both
  • Are you planning on using Kubernetes or plain Docker or something else? Plain docker. Kubernetes is overkill (IMHO)
