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Migrate 21.04 to 22.10

  • 5 January 2023
  • 0 replies

Hello !


I’m trying (my best) to migrate my Centreon 21.04.10 which I installed with the sources on debian (there was no packages for apt for debian back at that time) to a new server in the latest version using the packages but I can’t make it work.

I don’t have external pollers, just a Central.

I tried copying the databases and using the guide to import them (and start the upgrade process which go well) but the poller stop running the next day or if I restart it and I can’t make them start again.


Si I tried to use clapi to export everything and import in the new server : the poller stopped running too. So I tried to import the clapi export without the config of the broker, poller, etc… Just the hosts, services, commands, timeperiods, users (by reseting their passwords to a longer one). I manualy edited the exported file in Notepad++ and removed the lines related to that, loaded the server back to a fresh state and imported the file.


I can see the hosts in Hosts > Hosts, services, commands… everything is there (but not the users). I restart the poller, the entire test server… but I don’t see the hosts in Resources status. It’s empty.

Everything is green and seems to be running, everything is listening OK, I don’t see error messages in the logs, they are quite empty, nothing is happening.

All the config files (poller, broker, engine...) are from a fresh install.


Is there something wrong with my methods ? I don’t know what I am missing. It’s OK if I lose the history of the graphs etc, I just want this new server to start polling my old services, I’ll deal with the missing custom plugins later.

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