Gentle Bump. No Ideas, guys/gals?
I don’t really understand what you are doing
But $HOSTSTATEID is a system macro, you can’t modify it.
I’ll try to explain better ;)
I want to use $HOSTSTATEID according to this Documentation for check_cluster:
The command-line would now be:
$USER1$/check_cluster --host -l Cluster-Name -w 1 -c 0 -d $HOSTSTATEID:Testhost1$,$HOSTSTATEID:Testhost2$,$HOSTSTATEID:Testhost3$,$HOSTSTATEID:Testhost4$
Testhostx is the Name of the Host in Centreon-Config for which you want to have the Hoststate-ID to be output for.
After replacing the ARGs it would be:
$USER1$/check_cluster --host -l Cluster-Name -w 1 -c 0 -d 0,0,0,0
This means i have to use the Name of my Hosts in the Argument itself, i.e ,$HOSTSTATEID:Testhost3$ as the $-Sign starts and ends the Macro.
This would mean, when creating the command to use in my Service/Service-Template i will have to write the Names of the Hosts in each command itself. So if i have different Cluster-Checks, each would have its own command with Hostnames written in there specifically for this one issue where i would need to use THIS command.
I am now looking for a way to fill the Part inside the HOSTSTATEID-Macro after the “:” with something i can set right inside the Service itself as an Arguemnt , i.e. $ARG4$
$HOSTSTATEID:”$ARG4$”$ wouldn’t work though as the engine rightfully Ends the Macro at the second “$” which would make it $HOSTSTATEID:”$ followed by non-interpretable String “ARG4 befor he sees another Macro-description $”$ which doesn’t make any sense to the engine.
Is there any way i can make this right?
Hope it’s beter to understand now ;)