
New icon for notes?

  • 11 January 2024
  • 13 replies


I’ve been asked by a user what this new icon, if it has a particular meaning:

The service has no Note URL defined, but its parent template has. could it be the reason for the presence of this icon?

(Centreon Web 22.10.15)



Best answer by ponchoh 11 January 2024, 16:10

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13 replies

Userlevel 4
Badge +13


It does look like the Icon for notes and is under the notes column. I believe that as long as the host only has a note and not a url link it will end up looking like that. Hope that helps.




It is an URL in both cases. But I’ll check if any malformation or spurious character.

In fact when mouse-overing the two icons I see an URL in both cases (not the same URL thought), but the “N in the blue circle” does not open any link.

Userlevel 4
Badge +13

This is how I have it


Oh!, I got it. There are now three different things, “Note URL”, “Note” and “Action URL”. 

Before were only two : “Notes” and “Action URL” if I remember correctly? Or just an error from our side…

Userlevel 4
Badge +13

I can’t find the note on the release for that particular change but glad to hear is all clear now.


Yeah, probably an error. Maybe even one I did myself. It happens once a decade! ^^ Thx for your time.

Userlevel 4
Badge +13

Yeah, probably an error. Maybe even one I did myself. It happens once a decade! ^^ Thx for your time.


🤣 same same hahha, no worries

Badge +4

Bonjour à tous

je n’arrive pas a afficher les icônes des liens action url et notes, j’ai pourtant bien renseigné les information détaillé de l’hôte …

Quelqu’un a une idée svp ?

merci à vous :)

Userlevel 4
Badge +13

Hello @Richard23 have you enabled the other columns?



Badge +4

Hi Ponchos,


Thanks for the feedback …

Oh yes, the problem is that each time you change pages, or disconnect, it disappears..and impossible to save it always comes back to default.I tried in several browsers, and the same... :/
Userlevel 4
Badge +13

Hello @Richard23 

These settings are intended to be saved under your browser’s “Local storage”. If you have a setting to remove/reset it or use private/incognito they will disappear. They are not saved across machines maybe could be an Idea? Hope that helps.

Userlevel 2
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You cannot save the change in the Resource page : view by host, view by service


Please upvote this Idea to change this :

