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Next release schedules

  • 16 November 2023
  • 6 replies


I finally get a window to upgrade Centreon from our current 22.10.11 to the last 22.10 (22.10.14 at this time).

I should make this upgrade (along with numerous system package upgrade) on December Saturday the 2nd. I would validate the upgrade on the integration platform the week before. 

What I’d like to avoid is having a 22.10.15 version being released between the integration platform upgrade and when I do the production platform.

With that in mind, I wonder if you’re able to give me some vision on when the next 22.10 release will be released.

Notice : upgrading to 22.10.14 after a 22.10.15 has been released, while theoretically doable, seems quite hazardous because of how Centreon package dependencies work.

Hi @Stéphane we release minor version every month if issues have been fixed to a version.

We are preparing 22.10.15 fo soon.

Next release sprint will start in December, 11th.


I can see 22.10.15 is out today, so if I get it right, I can expect that 22.10.16 won’t be released before December 11th  in any case? (probably a few weeks later ?)

22.10.17 was released this week.

Yes I saw that. In fact I have a cronjob that sends me an email every days with both Centreon’s available updates and system available updates. The fact is I only have a few limited time frames when I can stop Centreon the neessary 2-3 hours to make the upgrade. it may seem extraordinary long to you but I’ll have the occasion to explain you that soon. To make it short: VM snapshots for possible rollback, handling of all the other tools which interact with Centreon, six pollers, etc…

In fact I’m currently wondering if I’d not better profit of the next time window (around end of February, begining of March it seems) to make the jump directly from 22.10.15 to 23.10.X I feel it isn’t a lot more of work and should permit us to keep up to date. I have to discuss this with my colleague . I think I may try the update to 23.10 on our integration platform and look how it goes.  

Ok, we can chat about it. Note that this one is a Centreon Web update (no need to update th whole poller infra)

OK. I’ll see. I’ve already done some “Centreon only” updates, without the plugins and the system but this isn’t always possible due to package dependencies.

Actually I can see there is also a 22.10.17 for Centreon Poller, as a bunch of Perl libs and PHP libs from the Remi repository. 

I’ll have a closer look, but not this afternoon anyway!
