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Hi all,

New problem with web UI. 

Manuel check in ok as :

>centreon@supervision ~]$ /usr/lib/centreon/plugins/check_nrpe -2 -H -c check_mysql_gpaoDev -t 20
Uptime: 311229  Threads: 2  Questions: 8091531  Slow queries: 8  Opens: 324  Flush tables: 2  Open tables: 317  Queries per second avg: 25.998|Connections=5106c;;; Open_files=365;;; Open_tables=317;;; Qcache_free_memory=265505480;;; Qcache_hits=43254c;;; Qcache_inserts=15574c;;; Qcache_lowmem_prunes=0c;;; Qcache_not_cached=1408c;;; Qcache_queries_in_cache=2466;;; Queries=8091532c;;; Questions=8091517c;;; Table_locks_waited=15c;;; Threads_connected=1;;; Threads_running=1;;; Uptime=311229c;;;

but in centreon, I have 


how to force web ui to update ?


And I have always this



Any suggestions to remove it ?


You can force checks by selecting your service and then pressing the ‘Force check’ button

Then wait a little; the last check value should be updated soon.


For your second question, this message appear because you are on the deprecated pages of Centreon for monitoring

If you enabled it, when you click on the services/host count at the top of the page, it will redirect you to this page

If you want to be redirected to the Ressources Page status instead, you need to disable the deprecated pages in your user profile


However, if you really want to keep the deprecated pages and remove this message, you can use these commands on your Centreon Central to disable the call of the PHP function that prints it:

cd /usr/share/centreon/www/include/monitoring
sed -i '/display_deprecated_banner();/ s/^/\/\//' objectDetails/hostDetails.php objectDetails/serviceDetails.php status/Hosts/host.php status/Services/service.php

And the commands if you want the message back

cd /usr/share/centreon/www/include/monitoring
sed -i '/display_deprecated_banner();/ s/^\/\///' objectDetails/hostDetails.php objectDetails/serviceDetails.php status/Hosts/host.php status/Services/service.php


Hope it helps

Thanks !!!!!


It works fine !!!!
